Part 18

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We got back to the stadium and people were everywhere, so Jett grabbed my hand and we walked to Honda together. I felt lots of people staring at us two and I just looked down and ignored them all, well except Chase and Hunter.

"What's going on?" They both asked once we walked into the Honda area, I looked at Jett and he was smiling. "We went to lunch." He answered and Chase looked at me. "Like a date?" "No." "Yes." Shit.

"Woah so you guys are back together?" Hunter asked and looked at both of us, I shrugged and Jett gave a half smile while still holding my hand. "You guys are so complicated." My brother said and walked over to all the fans waiting for an autograph. "No we aren't together yet so don't go spreading stuff." I spat at both the boys and then Jett glared at me and he tried to say something but a fan interrupted.

"Jett is that your girlfriend?" Somebody yelled and I turned my head to see a bunch of people with their cameras out and looking at both of us. "Shit." He mumbled and stood in front of me while walking over to the trailer door. "Get inside." Jett closed the door behind him and then huffed while sitting on the other side of me. "Sorry about all them." He apologized and I just shrugged.

There were only a few more hours until the actual event started, Hunter Chase and I were all sitting outside while Jett disappeared, I decided to text Aunt kk and ask her where she was. She responded back and she went out to get some food with Paige Craig so I liked her texted and went back to the conversation.

"So you and my brother aren't a thing?" Hunter asked and I shook my head then stopped. "Well, he asked me to talk to him tonight so I'm not 100%, but right now we aren't." I explained and he nodded while Chase rolled his eyes. "I don't need to know about your love life." He groaned and Hunter laughed.

"Just shut it and FaceTime Molly or something." I snapped back and he mocked me while going back to his phone. Hunter and I were talking about his race tonight and he was pretty confident, then we started talking about Cynthia, his girlfriend of a lot of years. "Where's the ring?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yeah not yet." His response was and I just rolled my eyes, "you have a bad habit of that." Jett said and came from nowhere, I looked at him in disgust and rolled my eyes again.

Kk came back and we talked with her for a little while until 15 minutes before the race started.
"Ok well good luck dude." I smacked Chase's helmet and I saw him smile, then I walked over to Hunter and did the same. "Cmon." Jett grabbed my hand and we walked into the stadium but we stood on the side of the track and watched since security let Jett.

All the 250 heat 1 racers were lined up, I spotted number 96 with the red plate and he picked a good spot. The gates dropped and Hunter shot right in front of the rest and got the holeshot, they passed a few corners and he was in the lead by 3 seconds with Shimoda in second. Hunter ended up winning and then he got interviewed while the 250 heat 2 bikes lined up, Deegan won that one and the crowd went wild.

It was time for the 450 heats and there was a good battle between Roczen and Anderson in the first one, but Webb came outta nowhere and ended up winning since both guys crashed on the second to last turn. The second heat riders were lining up, Chase and Barcia were right next to each other and both guys had a really good gate pick so when the gates dropped, it was a little hard to see who got the holeshot. My brother got the holeshot and I cheered while Jett just laughed at me. This race wasn't that interesting to watch because Barcia was 7 seconds behind Chase who was in first, so he won by quite a few seconds.

I went to the bathroom while the LCQs started because I think those are pretty boring to watch, I also bought myself a soda on the way back because I was very thirsty.

"I thought you got lost." Jett said and I laughed while standing next to him again, I played on my phone and responded to all of Molly's texts while the race continued.

Molly: So you guys are a thing?!?

Me: I'll explain later tonight cause it's kinda confusing...

Molly: this better be good. Today was super sad because everybody around me was crying.

Me: Molly you were at a funeral- that's the point.
I laughed out loud because she's a little clueless sometimes. All the 250 bikes were lined up and the riders found their bike and started them while the monster girl walked out on the track.

Jett nudged me and I put my phone away and watched the gates drop, Hunter and Deegan were really close for the first few laps and then Deegan made a little mistake and ended up crashing, so Hunter saw his chance and moved up to first. But Deegan wasn't gonna just let Hunter win, so he caught up and made another mistake in the whoops and almost went OTB but he saved it last minute. Jett sorta laughed and then his brother went over the finishing jump and pulled a massive whip while we both screamed.

After all the 250 interviews, Hunter came over and I gave him a hug except he was all sweaty. "Yuck." I said and he laughed while facing forward and watching the gates drop for the 450s main event.

Tomac got the holeshot and he was in the lead for maybe 2 turns but then Webb took him out and both of them crashed but not badly. Barcia took the first place but Chase was right on his ass and ended up passing him in the whoops, Chase led for about 3 more laps until Roczen caught up to him and was .3 seconds behind. My brother looked behind him and saw Roczen right there but that was a stupid move of him because now Roczen was neck and neck with him.

I shivered as there was a small breeze and I saw goosebumps appear on my arms, I ignored it then went back to watching the race. "Are you cold?" Jett asked and I shook my head no. "Well you look cold, here." He took his HRC jacket off and put it around me, I thanked him and yawned.

The jacket smelled like him and I smiled while watching Roczen go over the finish just before Chase did, both guys hugged each other then rode over to the stage. All of us cheered and I went over to find Kk standing with Paige, next to the stage.

"There you are!" She said and I smiled while listening to my brother, then all the fans cheered and he shook the champagne and came down to us. We both congratulated him then walked back to the pits. Chase was super excited and he was already FaceTiming Molly, she squealed and he was smiling.

"Where'd you get that jacket?" Chase asked me and I sorta blushed, "Jett." Molly squealed again once she heard that and I rolled my eyes while looking down at my phone to see it was exactly 10:00. I saw Jett come around the corner, Chase looked at him then at me and then he said goodbye and went inside the trailer.

"You were almost late Jettson." I joked, "but I wasn't." He said and I just rolled my eyes. "Anyways..." We talked and figured everything out, it was around 11 and almost everybody was gone.

"Thanks for giving me another chance." Jett said and I hugged him back, there were butterflies in my stomach. "Let's not fuck this up again." I joked and he laughed then Chase came out of the trailer and asked if I was ready, he walked to our Uber and waited in there with aunt kk.

"Goodnight Ave." Jett said and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I was blushing a little but then I laughed and he looked at me. "You missed." I said and gave him a kiss on the lips, now he was blushing.

"Goodnight Jettson." I gave him one last hug and walked to the truck, Chase and Kk were both a little quiet and I figured they probably were watching us the whole time but I didn't care. The guy drove us back to the hotel and I forgot to return Jett's jacket, he told me to wear it next weekend so I just smiled and went to bed.

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