Part 20

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We got there in no-time since Jett was driving at 90 mph no problem, luckily there were no cops. He parked in the parking garage by the steakhouse and opened the door for me, he held my hand and we walked towards the door but a guy opened it for us.

"Thank you." We both said and then I followed Jett to the check-in, "the last name's Lawrence." He said and the lady looked at a list and nodded. "Right this way." We followed her and sat down at a table for 2 next to a window.

I looked at the menu and this place was fucking expensive, I read like every item because they all had fancy names and I didn't know what to get. "What are you gettin?" Jett asked and squeezed my hand, "uh I don't know, what about you?" "The 8oz sirloin steak." He said and I nodded. "I'll get that too." I said but was kinda scared to know the price, yeah I don't make lots of money by riding dirtbikes, I'm a girl who's barely finished high school and I babysit as my job- but I do get straight cash.

Jett ordered and then he ordered a few sides and my stomach was growling as he named them, then waitress nodded and walked away.

"By the way, Molly stole my phone earlier and texted you that so sorry it was sorta random." I said and he laughed, "she explained on FaceTime." I nodded. We talked about dirtbikes for a little bit but I didn't understand everything, so I just nodded and acted like I did.

"Anyways, what do you wanna be?" Jett asked and I shrugged. "I honestly don't know, maybe a photographer for supercross or something. I'd like to work there cause I grew up around dirtbikes and all that." I explained and Jett nodded, "you could be a monster girl." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I would have to be pretty for that job." I added and he frowned, "Averie stop that. You are so damn pretty, did I tell you that? Your dress looks amazing." Jett told me and I blushed. "It's Molly's." I said and he laughed, "you wear it better I'd say." I blushed again.

All our food came out and my eyes widened, "this is a lot of food." I said and Jett laughed. "You don't gotta eat it all." "I wasn't planning on it." I added and then swapped our plates because he cut up the steak into smaller pieces and I wasn't gonna be trusted with a knife in a fancy place.

We talked and then I sat back and took a deep breath, "I can't eat anymore." I said and Jett agreed once he ate the last piece of his steak, I still had half of mine left but I ate a lot of corn and bread.

The waitress came over and boxed up our food then put the tab on the table, he offered to pay but I felt bad because he drove me here, so I stole the bill first and grabbed the cash outta my purse. I looked at the price and forced my mouth to stay closed, 157 bucks plus a tip. Jett saw my expression and he laughed while snatching the bill. "Hey!" I said loudly and some people looked, "whoops." He said and handed it to the waitress with his credit card.

"I wanted to pay, you drove me here." I whined but Jett mocked me and then grabbed the food and we left after getting his card back. "Anywhere else you wanna go?" He asked once we got outside. I shook my head no because if I was to go shopping, I wouldn't be able to fit back in this dress since I'm hella bloated already. 

"Smile." Jett said and tried to take a picture of me, I stuck my tongue out and posed. "That's cute." He said and I laughed while looking at the picture.

"Wanna go back to my house?" Jett asked, "Sure." I said and fastened my seatbelt while Jett drove out of the parking lot, then we zoomed down the road at 90 miles an hour again. "You're gonna kill me." I yelled and he rolled his eyes while holding my hand again. "I would never." He looked at me while we waiting at the red light, I smiled and then got jerked back when he slammed on the gas. "Holy shit Jett."

We made it back to his house all in one piece except I got a little whiplash but it's ok, I followed Jett inside and I got greeted by his dog and Hunter's dog. "Awwww." I said and sat on the couch while the dogs came and licked me. "Hey get down Moose." Jett yelled and sat next to me, I giggled and Moose laid his head on my lap. "He's a tired dog." I pet the dog while Jett found something on tv to watch.

"Ohhh yeah!" I yelled and Jett laughed when he turned on pitch perfect. We watched about 30 minutes of the movie and neither of us were focused on the movie, I was laying against Jett and his arm was wrapped around me. Both of us kept looking at each other and then we finally made eye contact. He looked down at me and next thing, we both leaned in and kissed. He pulled away and I was mad blushing while Jett smiled and kissed me again, Moose jumped off the couch and scared me so I pulled away and sat up.

"Damn dog." Jett mumbled and I rolled my eyes while he grabbed the sides of me and put me on his lap. I leaned in and he left little kisses all down my neck while I got the chills. "Stop squirming." He poked my sides and I smiled and leaned in to give him another kiss.

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