Part 31

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We were about to leave the track when Jett invited us to dinner, yes, all of us. I glared but he made sure I was ok with it except Chase answered for me so I couldn't say no to my mother coming along.

I rode with Jett and we arrived at a sushi place, my favorite! My mom walked in behind Chase and she smiled at me while I just stared at the floor and ignored her. We got called back to a table of 4 and Jett led then me but Chase pulled me behind.

"Stop being a bitch, Mom is trying to fix things." He whispered to me and we kept walking, "Maybe she should act like a mom and then she will earn that title." I said and he just rolled his eyes and sat down once we reached the table. My mother decided to sit across from me and I sat beside my boyfriend.

The waitress came over and we ordered our drinks and when she came back she got our food order, "I will be right back." Jett squeezed my hand and then got up, "I have to piss." Chase said also and I widened my eyes because I had a feeling this was going to happen at one point, just not in a restaurant. My mom and I sat in silence while I drank my iced tea, of course Molly wasn't texting back and aunt kk was on a date, yes a date!

"Back to earlier's conversation-" My began once we made eye contact, I looked around and noticed a lot of people here so I decided I wasn't gonna go off on her in public. "No, we talk about this later." I pointed from her to me and she scowled and just then the boys came back and our food arrived.

"Was your food good?" Jett asked me and I nodded, "it's was great but now I feel like I need to puke." He laughed and then asked my mom and brother the same question.

"So Jett, what are you gonna do for a living, ride dirt bikes?" My mom asked him and I just looked at her with a dumb expression. "Uh yeah, I was planning on it." He said and looked at me weirdly. "Oh well hopefully you'll make it to a 450 one day like Chase." She patted Chase's shoulder and he looked up from his phone and asked 'huh'. "That's the goal." Jett said and then the waitress came with the check.

"I got it." Jett said and the lady handed it to him, "no, my treat." My brother said and tried to grab the tab, "no Jett said he's got it." My mom laughed and I glared at her while Jett smiled and then gave the lady his card. "Thanks Jett." Chase and I said while my mom just smiled and looked down at her phone, bitch.

"The girl said I have to go pay upfront so I'll meet you guys there." My boyfriend said and I nodded while waiting for Chase to get up. "I gotta piss again, too much soda." He said and I rolled my eyes because he left me alone with my mother, again.

"So you're boyfriend makes good money right?" She asked me and I shrugged, "well he offered to pay and this dinner must not have been cheap since you ordered a few items yourself." Deep breaths Averie.

"Ah and you must be the worlds healthiest girl for ordering one plate and not finishing any of it, congratulation bitch." I mumbled the last part and her jaw dropped. "What'd you call me?" She asked. "You heard me, now let's go." I said and she refused.

"Averie Lane, you listen to me, I am your only parent left and you will respect me." "No." I looked at her pale blue eyes and they almost popped out of her head. "You gonna hit me or something?" I asked. "No but I bet your boyfriend does, you're only with him for the money and he's with you for the body." My mom said and that stabbed me. "I-I, I." I couldn't speak. I couldn't believe a mother would say that to her daughter but leave it up to my mom.

"I wish your would have died instead of dad." I said and my voice squeaked but it was also a lot louder than I meant, some people were staring or whispering. "And I wish you were never born!" She yelled back, the whole place went silent and everyone froze. I felt everyone look at me including Jett and Chase, I choked back the tears and huffed. "Now I know what you really think of me." I said and she frowned.

"Ave- you know that's not true, I didn't mean tha- Aw shit!" She said and then looked around the room and noticed everybody, I heard her say something but I ran out of the restaurant and stood outside and bawled my eyes out. Jett must have followed me because I heard him say something and then his arms wrapped around me, I uncovered my face and then look at him.

"I am so sorry, god I'm an idiot and I just embarrassed you! I am so sorry, you can break up with me or whatever, it's not like you deserve me or you actually like me. I mean there's plenty of others and I swear I'm not using you for the money!" I tried to yell but my voice just cracked and more tears came.

"Woah Averie, it's ok, I'm not embarrassed." He wiped my tears away and then pulled me closer, my head was resting against his chest and I just stood there and cried. "And nobody said anything about us breaking up. Ave I fell in love with you because of you, not your body and I know you love me, not money." He explained and ran his fingers through my hair while we stood next to his truck.

"Can we go?" I asked and he nodded, I sat in the passenger seat and watched my mom walk out of the restaurant and she was all messed up. Jett held my hand the entire drive back to his house and I couldn't help but think if my mom was serious, did she really not mean to have me, am I mistake? No wonder she hates me...

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