Part 26

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"I hate this store, let's get outta here." I groaned and Molly rolled her eyes while looking around some more, "Fine. I shouldn't spend more money anyways." I laughed and agreed then we walked out of lululemon.

"So what happened between you two?" She asked while we walked into some more stores.

"It's confusing and I'm not really sure but basically we don't talk to each other anymore and she doesn't act like my mom so I don't call her that." I said in a bitchy-tone and Molly shrugged. "I'm sorry Averie."

We both bought an outfit and then decided it was time to go home, Molly came inside for a bit but then left because she needed to watch her dog. I went upstairs and grabbed my purse then yelled bye to Chase and drove over to Kourtney's because I had to babysit tonight.

"Hey guysss!" I yelled when I walked through the front door, Wyatt came running towards me and he hugged my leg. "Hey bud, you missed me?" I asked and he nodded while I picked him up. We walked over to Taylee, his 5 year old sister.

Kourtney left for her dinner date and I put on a tv show for Wyatt while I made them both dinner, Taylee made a mess with her Mac-n-cheese and it mostly ended up on her lap. I gave her a bath afterwards and then got her changed into her pjs, then I played trucks and dirtbikes with Wyatt while Taylee played with her baby doll.

"When can I meet your boyfriend?" The 8 year old asked me, "you wanna meet Jett, Wy?" I asked and he nodded. "He rides one of these!" He jumped on my lap and showed me a dirtbike. "Yup a red one." I said. "Like Chase?" "Yeah like Chase." He giggled then sat back down.

We played for a little while longer then Taylee yawned and she was lookin' tired, "you wanna go sleepy Tay?" I asked and she crawled over and sat on my lap, well she ended up falling asleep on me.

I sat on the couch while Taylee slept on me and Wyatt watched Paw Patrol, I was texting Jett and then Molly FaceTimed me.

"Say hi to Wy." I answered and Molly smiled while Wyatt stole my phone. "Hey Ave?" She asked and I noticed she was outside. "Whatsup?" "Where's Chase at?" "I dunno, lemme check." I said and took my phone from Wyatt and checked Chase's location on snap.

"He was at Roczen's house 12 minutes ago." I told her and she smiled, "ok thanks, he isn't responding to me and I got a little scared." "You are so dramatic." I said and she laughed. "Ok get back to your job, bye Wyatt!" Molly said and then hung up.

"You tired to buddy?" Wyatt nodded and rubbed his eyes, he laid next to me and ended up falling asleep also. I had both kids asleep on me when it was only 8:30 and Kourtney was coming home at 9:45 or later, great job Averie.

"Hey babe whatsup?" Jett answered my FaceTime, "I dunno I'm bored and both kids are asleep." I said and he raised an eyebrow. "Kids?" I laughed, "the kids I babysit." He laughed too. "You fucking scared me." He said and I smiled.

We talked for a little while and then I was about to tell him about the mall earlier but he cut me off, "sorry Ave but I gotta go, my parents just got here." My smile faded and then I just nodded. "Ok talk to you later." I said and Jett hung up.

I heard the front door open and I saw a guy walk in with Kourtney, she wasn't even able to stand up by herself cause she got so drunk. I carefully got up without waking the kids and helped Kourtney to the couch. "I am so sorry about her, thanks for bringing her home." I told the guy after he explained.

"It's fine, I'm Chad by the way." He stuck his hand out and I smiled while shaking it.

"Averie." I said back and the guy smiled, "Your the babysitter! You know Kourtney says only amazing things about you and how you help the kids." Chad told me and I nodded. "I try to help more since the divorce- she hasn't been doing well and the kids need a parent." I explained and he nodded.

"Well she appreciates you a lot Averie, I gotta get back home but it was nice meeting you." Chad said and I said bye back and locked the door. Well these kids can't be left alone with their drunk mom. I stayed the night in their guest room and got a good nights sleep.

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