Part 16

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Chase FaceTimed Aunt kk while we were watching pitch perfect on the couch, "Hey Chase." She said and he smiled. "Is my sister with you?" He asked and kk put me on the camera. "Hey." I mumbled.

My brother looked away and then looked back at me, "Kk could you go see if I left my goggles in my bedroom?" Chase asked her and I just raised an eyebrow, "sure thing, be right back girl." She said and went upstairs. Chase handed the phone to someone and my smile disappeared once Jett came into view.

"Averie don't hang up!" Jett yelled once he saw me roll my eyes. "Ok I am being serious, we need to try this whole thing over and I swear it will work out." He explained and I wanted to trust him, but I didn't want my heart broken again.

"Well then I'll talk to you next weekend in person." Jett said after I reasoned with him for 10 minutes, I nodded my head but couldn't say anything because if I did, it would be me agreeing 100% and then we could be together again.

"Good luck tomorrow dude." I said to Chase and then ended the FaceTime, aunt kk came down the stairs and she frowned. "Averie Lane that guy is trying to make your life easier but you keep ignoring him!" She yelled and I shrugged. "Are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded, I went into the kitchen and made grilled cheese sandwiches for both of us while we continued our movie and then I fell asleep laying against kk.

Someone shook me and I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around to see it was still dark around and then I made eye contact with my aunt who was smiling. "Averie we're going to Salt Lake, go pack a bag quick." She said and I tried to understand her but it took awhile. "Wait actually?" I asked and she nodded while I quickly went upstairs and packed a small backpack.

Aunt kk and I got out of her car once we arrived at the airport and then we got all checked in, I looked at my phone and it was 2 am and our flight was at 3.

We sat down and I ended up falling asleep again but then kk dragged me into the plane and then I got all comfy at my window seat and she smiled while holding my hand for takeoff. The next time I woke up, aunt Kk was asleep but I looked at the screen and we had 30 more minutes until we arrived, so I went back to sleep.

"Wake up Ave." Kk shook me and I hit my head on the window but I woke up. "You ready to go?" She asked and I shrugged while grabbing my backpack. The plane landed safely and we got off then found an Uber, we arrived at the stadium for press day and I was a little nervous walking towards the entry.

"I'm Chase Sexton's sister." I said and the security guy looked at me up and down, "you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Well could you call him for me, sorry I can't just let you in." He explained and I just nodded while calling my brother and hoped he would pick up.

"What do you need- I'm in the middle of a conference." Chase answer and whispered-yelled.

"Well about that, could you explain to this security guy how I'm your sister?" I asked and put him on speaker. "How am I supposed to do that?" He asked. "Just show your ID idiot." Chase told me and I fake smiled at the security guard while he nodded and let Aunt kk and I through.

"Chase where are you?" I asked, "no where are you?" "Uhh Kk and I are walking towards the Honda trailer, are you around there?" I explained. "Why are you guys here?" He asked. "Because Averie needs to get her boyfriend back." Kk said loudly and I widened my eyes because I didn't agree to that.

"What! No!" I yelled and she shrugged, "well we're already here..." she said and I groaned.

"I'll be over in 10 minutes or less, just stay at Honda." Chase said and then hung up because he had to go back to the meeting.

"I'm going to go find a bathroom, will you be ok by yourself?" Aunt kk asked and I nodded while sitting down outside of the trailer. "Call if you need anything!" I gave her a thumbs up then played on my phone.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Somebody asked me, I turned around and then felt relief when I saw Hunter Lawrence and not the other brother. "Good question, my aunt woke me up this morning at 2 and now I'm here." I said and he laughed. "Well have you seen Jett?" Hunter asked and I shook my head no.

"So you guys haven't made up?" "Hunter we haven't even talked since that day!" I yelled and he widened his eyes, "calm down Averie." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys talking about me?" "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath and then turned back around and looked down at my phone. "Hunter you need to go to your conference." Jett said and I heard them whisper some other things but I ignored it and hoped Aunt kk would show up- she didn't.

Jett came and sat down across from me but I acted like I didn't see him, "Averie?" He asked but I didn't look up, he huffed and then grabbed my phone out of my hands. "Hey!" I yelled and reached across the table, Jett was mocking me and holding my phone just out of my reach. "Give me it." I said angrily.

"Hold on." He said and I sat back down and glared, "what now." "We need to figure us out." Jett moved his finger between him and I. "Fine talk." I said and looked everywhere but his eyes.

Jett and I must have argued for 10+ minutes until I stood up, "we talked and nothings working, gimme my phone." I said and held my hand out, Jett spat in my hand and sat on my phone.

"Yuck!" I yelled and wiped my palm on his hair, I reached for my phone again and he smirked while handing it to me. "You've got one day to think about what's going on between you and I. Tomorrow at 10, after supercross, meet right here." Jett said and I agreed.

"Hey Averie, you must be Jett." Aunt kk came walking over towards us and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah that's me, who are you?" He asked and then looked at me. "Jett this is my aunt who brought me here and suddenly disappeared!" I fake smiled at her and she smiled back. "Nice meeting ya." She said to Jett and he nodded back.

"Don't forget tomorrow!" Jett yelled once we started to walk away, I flipped him off and saw Kk was smiling. "Ooo what's tomorrow?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

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