Part 9

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I woke up and I was in a different hotel room, instead of Molly next to me, I saw Jett. I looked around and then remembered everything from last night. Hunter was asleep on the other bed so I quietly got up and gave Jett a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room and going back to my original room.

Chase answered the door and he gave me a half smile, "Molly packed all your stuff up for you." He said and I thanked Molly. We checked out of the hotel 20 minutes later and then we got to the airport and Molly gave me a big hug, "don't worry your dad is strong and he will be fine, keep me updated." She said and then I saw a tear fall down her cheek. "Aww don't cry Mols." I said and then she laughed and then told me bye while walking over to Chase. He said something and then he wiped away her tear with his thumb, she smiled and then gave my brother a kiss on the cheek and she waved bye to both of us again.

We walked over to board our plane while Molly sat down and waited for her plane, I followed Chase and then we sat down and I sighed and put my airpods in right before we took off. My ears were going crazy and this time I had nobody to comfort me except Chase and he wouldn't do that, so I freaked out on the inside and I put a fake smile on then quickly fell asleep on our 2 and a half hour flight to Montana.

I got woken up just as we landed on the runway, I took a few deep breaths because now it was time to see my dad. Chase and I got our luggage and then we picked up our rental car because I wasn't sure how long we would visit so we got a car. The hospital was about 30 minutes away from the airport so I had a few moments to prepare myself, Chase parked the car and I was not ready.

"Cmon Averie." My brother said and I followed him inside the doors, the front desk lady helped up and we made it to the room he was in. Chase knocked on the door and I slowly followed once Aunt Kk opened it.
"Hey guys! Your dad's asleep right now." She said and gave us both hugs, I sorta smiled and then looked at him asleep on the uncomfortable looking hospital bed.

"The doctors ran more tests this morning and they aren't sure of what more they can do except surgery again but last time they weren't able to get it all out." Kk explained and my heart broke.

"Your dad doesn't want to try surgery again though." She said, "so he's giving up?" Chase asked and she shook her head. "Chase there's only so much he can do and they think he won't wake up from surgery..." Tears escaped my eyes and I just sat there and sobbed while listening to the monitors beep, I felt numb. I didn't want to feel anything honestly.

"Are you guys hungry or anything?" Aunt Kk asked and Chase nodded while I shook my head no, she called a nurse in to wait with me while she took my brother down to the cafeteria. I just sat there and let my stomach growl, I hadn't eaten in awhile but I didn't even care, I just wanted life back to normal.

I saw my dad's eyes slowly open and the nurse came over, she put some more medicine in his IV and then she wrote some things down and asked him a few questions then she left.

"Hey A." Dad smiled and I wiped my tears away, I kneeled beside his bed and held his hand while giving him a hug. "I'm so sorry all this is happening again." I said and he sighed. "Well Averie it sucks but it was apart of God's plan I guess." He said and tried to see this as a positive, I couldn't understand how.

"How are you finding a good part in this dad? I mean your health is terrible and you're refusing surgery?" I asked and he frowned. "Averie they said it's a 50-50 chance I wouldn't survive in surgery, the cancer has spread a lot more since last time." Dad told me and I just shook my head. "So take that chance! 50% survive!" I said but he sighed, just then Kk and Chase came back and they asked how he was.

"Dad's just fucking great. He's refusing surgery when 50% survive!" I yelled and stormed out of the room, I heard my dad yell something back but I was too pissed off to go back in there. I roamed the halls of the hospital and then I sat in an empty waiting room on like the 5th level.

"Hey Ave, did you make it?" Jett asked when he answered my FaceTime, "yeah." I mumbled and then he frowned when he saw my tear-stained face. "What's wrong?" He asked, I explained the whole story and Jett replied with 'oh'. I just sat there and cried even more while Jett was trying to tell me something to cheer me up, but nothing worked because I yelled at my dad when he had every right to yell because he's the one in the hospital.

"Averie?" Jett asked and I zoned back in, "yeah?" "Chase texted me and said you need to go in the room quick." I questioned that but listened anyways and then immediately hung up the phone when I saw multiple doctors in the room, I opened the door and all eyes were on me.

I looked over at my dad who barely had his eyes open, Chase pulled me out of the room.
"Say your goodbye Averie." His voice was shaking and my heart shattered.

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