Part 2

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"We've got restaurant reservations in 40 minutes." Jett told us, "reservations?" I asked and he nodded.
"This place is like fancy?" "Wear pants and a shirt and you'll fit in." Hunter told me and I rolled my eyes.

"I would have forgotten that if you didn't remind me." I said sarcastically and he mocked me.
"Ok you two clowns, Ave let's go it's gonna take you 40 minutes to cover up that clown." Chase said and pointed at my face. "Leave her alone!" Molly said to my brother and he just laughed while they walked to the truck. "Oh great now I gotta watch my best friend and brother flirt, send help boys." I yelled and both brothers laughed at me while I got kicked to the backseat.

I took a shower when we got back and then I put on pants and a shirt like Hunter suggested, I blowdried my hair and then put some mascara on and chapstick because I hate makeup and that's as much as I'll wear. "You ready Mols?" I knocked on the guest bedroom and then heard mumbling. "Give her 10 more minutes." Chase walked out of the room and passed me like nothing was going on.

"What the fuck?" I yelled and followed Chase, "you're gonna act like walking out of the room where my bestfriend was getting dressed, is normal?" "She needed help with an outfit so I helped her." Chase shrugged and I just groaned because he wasn't going to give me any answers. "You actually suck." I yelled and then went back upstairs and grabbed my nikes and sprayed some perfume.

"Woah what is this a date?" Molly squealed when she came into my room, I rolled my eyes.
"As if." I said and she stopped smiling, "hey I didn't mean to make you and Chase fight, I thought you were still getting ready so I needed help with an outfit." Molly said and I picked my fingernails.

"You're fine, I know you like him but it's just kinda weird." I said and she nodded. "As long as you guys aren't flirting I'm ok." Molly squealed again and I laughed while she gave me a hug. "Wait. Does he like me?" She whispered and I rolled my eyes. "You are so stupid, yes Molly Jane!" We laughed and then headed downstairs, Chase's jaw dropped when he saw Molly and I just ignored it.

 "You are so stupid, yes Molly Jane!" We laughed and then headed downstairs, Chase's jaw dropped when he saw Molly and I just ignored it

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                                      Averie's outfit                                                     Molly's outfit

We arrived at the restaurant and I walked in while leaving the 'couple' behind, "Hey guys." I walked over to the Lawrence brothers, Jett looked up from his phone and then he looked up again. "Woah Averie." He said and Hunter looked at me up and down, "Not bad." He said and I smiled. "You both look great too."

"Right this way for the 5 of you guys." A waitress led us to the back, we all sat around the teppanyaki table and sat in the middle of Jett and Hunter, big mistake.

"So Ave, who was that guy you were talking about with Mols the other day?" Chase asked and picked up his menu, I looked at him with a blank stare and I saw Molly giggle. "I remember that." She added.

"Woah a guy?" Hunter nudged my shoulder and I almost punched him back but we were at dinner, so I didn't. "No. My brother is just talking outta his ass-crack." I mumbled and everyone laughed.

"I swear, he rode dirt bikes, he knew her pretty well, he had brown-" Chase was just embarrassing me.
"Okay yeah we all know that is just a bunch of B.S. Chase." I said and glared at him, he smirked.

"Is it?" Hunter asked Molly, "uhhh, don't bring me into this." She said and picked up a menu.
"Is he your age?" Jett asked, "no he's 35." I replied. "Turn down the sarcasm Averie." Chase acted like a parent and I raised an eyebrow at him and just rolled my eyes.

We order our food and then our chef came and cooked in front of us, we all thanked him and gave a tip, then he walked away and we got to eat our amazing food. "Wanna know something?" I whispered to Jett, he nodded. "I think Molly was fucking my brother earlier." I mumbled and he choked on his food.

"You good?" I asked and he nodded and then laughed, "no way!" He said loudly. "What?" Hunter asked and then Jett went quiet. "Yeah what did you say?" Chase asked me and I looked at Jett and he had a gross look. "Nothing." I said and pushed my plate forward after eating a few bites.

"Thanks for dinner." We all thanked Chase because he paid, "ok we'll see ya guys tomorrow for press day." Chase waved bye to the brothers and I waved bye also. We dropped Molly off at her house to get her bags packed because she was now coming along to supercross in Houston, TX, tomorrow.

I went inside and asked Molly to come help me pack for the next 3 days and she nodded, I was all pack and ready to leave for the airport early tomorrow morning. All the lights were off in our house by 10pm because we needed to be there by 4am.

"Night Mols." I whispered, "Night Ave." she said back and laid next to me and we both fell fast asleep.

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