Part 15

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"Averie I'm sorr-" "Just take me home please." I cut Chase off once I found him in the parking lot, he agreed and drove home while we both sat in silence.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to beat your boyfriend up." Chase apologized once I came downstairs a few hours later, I gave a disgust face when he said the word boyfriend. "Chase not now." I said and sat at the bar. "Listen to me." He said and I looked at him.

"I said I'm sorry now stop being a grumpy bitch." He joked but I dropped my shoulders and sighed.
"You're the bitch that made my boyfriend and I take a break." I snapped and then walked back upstairs, I hear footsteps coming towards my room so I locked the door and went to bed.

The next few days, I stayed in my room a repeated the cycle I had tried to get out of when my dad died. It was Thursday night and Chase and I still haven't really made up.

"Are you gonna go to supercross with me?" My brother walked into my room and I shook my head no.

"You gotta get out Averie, you can't hide from everybody." Chase said and there was silence. "This is all because if you." I snapped back, "if you would have left Jett and I alone, I would go on this trip with you." I explained and sorta raised my tone. "Do whatever you want Averie- Aunt kk is gonna come stay with you." Chase told me and I groaned. "I'm old enough to watch myself." "You sure don't act like it." He added.

My brother packed his duffel bag and then he told me goodbye, I laid in bed and then got up to use the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I knew Chase was right, I just didn't want to move on and I haven't texted him or called since our break.

I saw my reflection and my gold necklace was still on, my heart kind of broke when I took it off but it was one step closer to getting back into the real world. There was a text from my Aunt saying she was gonna drive to the house in a few minutes after she lands and I liked her text while deciding to clean up my room at midnight. My room was spotless, I vacuumed, dusted, removed all the trash, lit a candle, put my clothes away, and started my laundry.

My body was tired but I wasn't, so I laid on my bed and played on my phone while waiting for my aunt to arrive. I must have fallen asleep because when it was morning, I heard music and noises from the kitchen.

"Averie!" Aunt kk said and opened her arms, I ran over to her and she held me tight, it was the best hug in awhile even though I hate them.

"Your brother explained some of the stuff that happened." She said and handed me a plate with eggs steak and hash browns, I looked up and gave her a half smile while slowly eating my breakfast.

"Yeah it hasn't been so great." I mumbled and she sat next to me and we talked all about the situation.
"And now I'm pretty sure we are broken up because breaks don't usually last a week almost." "Yeah, maybe he wasn't the right guy." Aunt kk said and I frowned because I really missed him.

"Ok well let's take you shopping, wanna invite Molly?" Kk asked and I shook my head. "She's at her uncle's birthday party." "Well then it's just us two." She said and went into our guest bedroom where all her stuff was for this weekend.

We had already gone to a few stores so she drove to a different area and there were a ton of different stores. "I love that Ave!" Kk said once I walked out of the dressing room, it was light blue jeans with a black cropped tank and my air forces, I spun around and actually felt cute.

"I am buying that for you." She said and I begged her not to but she gave the lady the credit card and I smiled while thanking her. I looked at my phone to see all the notifications, I had 3 from Molly and 1 from Chase but I had another text from Hunter and a missed call from Jett.

Hunter: answer Jett's call.

Me: why is he calling me?

Hunter: just answer the damn call.

I rolled my eyes, "hold on Kk, I gotta call the problem back apparently." I said and she smiled and walked into a store close by while I stood outside.

"Averie." Jett said once I called him back. "This better be important." I responded while playing with my bracelet. "I fucked up- Averie you mean everything to me and I was just having a bad day and then to get beat up and not listening to you, I am so so sorry." He apologized quickly and I took a moment to think.

"So your begging for me back when we haven't talked in like a week?" I asked and he agreed.
"But I'm sorry now, I can't do this anymore." Jett said and I scoffed. "I think this is bullshit, life bullshit."
"Averie I am being serious." "I am too, I cried almost 24/7 because we broke up, now you're asking for me back. Jett call me when your actually serious and want to try this again." I hung up and wiped a tear away from my eye.

"Hhh-he wants me bbb-back but-" I tried to explain to Aunt kk but she just half smiled. "I heard the whole thing sweetie, let's get you back home." She said and put an arm around me while I controlled my tears.

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