Part 10

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It has officially been 4 days since my dad had died and nothing has been more painful. I haven't eaten since last Friday and I haven't stopped crying since Sunday. Once we got back home in Florida, I locked myself in my room and the only time I go outside my room is to use the bathroom.

"Averie?" Molly said and knocked on my door, "I don't feel like talking." I said back and blew my nose.
"Then listen." She said and I didn't respond, I laid there under my covers and I finally got up and opened my door, Molly was almost down the hall when she came running back.

"Ave oh my god I thought you weren't alive anymore!" She said and wrapped her arms around me.
"I wish I wasn't alive." I mumbled and she frowned. "Don't day that Averie."

I sat on my bed and laid against Molly while she spilled all the tea, she told me about Chase and her and all their dates they have been on, then she talked about shopping and she planned our next outing while I was so zoned out. "Averie Lane you aren't even listening to me!" Molly said and I apologized.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "It's ok sweets, you want something to eat?" She asked and I shook my head no.
"Ok wanna try on outfits?" She suggested. "Mols I really don't feel like doing anything." I replied.

"I know, but you can't sit here forever and pout. I hate seeing you like this and your missing stuff going on in the world!" Molly said and she grabbed my hands, "Fine. We can go through my closet." I said and she squealed. "Ok I'll pick out the first one." She said and opened the door and I heard her talking to herself.

"Here try this one." She held up a tank top and my favorite pair of jeans, I fake smiled and them stood up to go put it on. I took my baggy shirt off and Molly gasped. "Averie?" "Yeah?" I said and slipped my jeans on, they almost fell off me. I just shrugged my shoulders and Molly picked out another outfit.

I went though multiple outfits and they all were too big, like a whole size too big.
"Averie, when was the last time you ate?" Molly asked me, I froze. I couldn't tell her the truth, "Tuesday." I fibbed. "You need to eat something girl." She said and I nodded then tried to laugh.

"I'll go make you some food, you want a grilled cheese?" "Sure Mols." I said and then she nodded and went downstairs, I put comfy clothes on and responded to Jett's text from a few minutes ago.

Jett: Ave you doing any better?

Me: sorta, Molly has been helping a lot, today I actually got out of bed and got dressed.

Jett: that's good, maybe tomorrow you can go golfing with me like we planned last weekend?

Me: oh I forgot about that, sure.

Jett liked my text and then Molly yelled that my food was done so I went downstairs and sat at the counter, I wasn't planning on eating the food because I hadn't eaten in so long that my stomach stopped being hungry and nothing sounded good.

"Oh Chase is picking me up outside, we're going shopping, wanna go?" Molly asked. "No you two go." I said and she smiled. "Ok but you better eat that before I'm back." She said and pointed at my full plate of food, I nodded and then locked the door behind her.

I sat there and stared at the food, I threw the paper plate away and then took out the trash, she won't notice. I came back inside and FaceTimed Jett, luckily he answered.

"Hey Averie." His face appeared on my phone and I half smiled, "Hey Jettson." I said back and he laughed. "Don't call me that." "Why not, I like it?" I replied and he rolled his eyes. "I'll pick you up around 10 tomorrow and we can get lunch afterwards." Jett said and I agreed. "Just a reminder I suck." I said and he laughed.

Jett and I talked on the phone until Chase and Molly got back, "I gotta go, the couple is back." I joked and he laughed then ended the call. "Aww good job you ate your food." Molly said and patted my head.

"Here, you get this as a present." Chase handed me a small bag and I opened it up, there was a silver bracelet wrapped up and it had an A on it. "It's dad's nickname for you." He said and I smiled a real smile for the first time in awhile, I gave my brother a hug and thanked him.

I sat on the couch the rest of the night and watched movies with Molly and Chase, Molly stayed the night in our guest bedroom and I was honestly excited for tomorrow's golf date with Jett, I needed to distract myself from everything going on right now.

My alarm went off and I woke up, my phone said it was 9:30 and I groaned. I finally got up and got dressed into black shorts and a gray tank with light blue shoes, I brushed my hair and left it down because I hated my hair pulled back. I sprayed some perfume and then grabbed my sunglasses and waited for Jett's truck to arrive. He came exactly at 10 so I yelled goodbye to everyone that was sleeping then I hopped in the passenger seat and got greeted with a kiss on the lips.

"Woah." I said. "Sorry I really missed seeing your gorgeous self in person." Jett said and I blushed while he rested one hand on my thigh and drove to the golf course.

We found a parking spot and then I got my old golf clubs from the back of the truck and Jett got his, we rented a golf cart and then started at the first hole.

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