Part 22

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My phone went off somewhere in Jett's room, I opened my eyes to see the sun already out. I rubbed my eyes and noticed I was all alone, I got up and about fainted because of low-iron but found my phone.

8 text messages from Chase
19 text messages from Molly
2 missed calls from Molly
1 new message from Hunter
3 new messages from Jett

Shit, shit, shit!

I looked in the mirror and I was wearing my spandex and Jett's same sweatshirt from last night, I went to the bathroom then fixed my looks and unlocked the door while replying some of the texts.

I told Chase I slept over at Jett's in their guest bedroom but he didn't respond, Monday at 11am- probably at the practice track.

I told Molly the same thing and she responded quickly with a smirking emoji, I sorta laughed then replied with a happy face.

"Why are you here?" Someone asked once I came down the stairs, I jumped and looked up from my phone to see Hunter sitting on the couch. "Oh heyyy." I said because this was totally awkward.

"You gonna answer my question?" He asked and I nodded. "Jett took me out to dinner last night." I said and he smiled. "Did he?" "Yeah." I replied, "were you wearing that?" He asked and looked at my outfit.

"No. It was a dress..." I said confused, "I saw on his story. So you guys are official?" Hunter asked and I nodded. "Have a problem with it?" I asked and sat on the opposite side of the couch as him, Moose jumped up and gave me kisses and then laid his head on my lap.

"No. Better be careful though, the fans might try to ruin it..." Hunter warned and I was confused on where this was going. "Ok speaking of your brother, where is he?" I asked and looked around.

"He's at the track." Hunter said and I nodded, "get your stuff and I'll drop you off there." He offered and I smiled while going back upstairs and grabbing my dress but I put my under garments back on because I didn't want to carry them otherwise that would be really suspicious and embarrassing.

"Lets go." I said and he handed me a red bull and then turned the music up loud, "get out." Hunter said and handed me another can, I thanked him and then shut the door and walked to the entrance.

I decided to call Molly and she quickly answered, "where are you?" She asked but I couldn't hear her over the dirtbikes. "I'm at the track, are you here?" I yelled into my phone. "Yeah I'll come get you." She said and then hung up, "oh- ok." I was talking to myself now.

I stood in the same spot and there was no sign of Molly after a few minutes, I was about to start walking when I heard a dirtbike near so I looked up from my phone and saw Jett coming my way.

"Aww thanks." I said when he shut off his bike, "mornin' sorry I left you, I didn't want to wake you up." He said and I smiled while giving him a kiss. "Your brother dropped me off." I explained and he nodded while getting back on his bike, "hop on." "You better not kill me Jettson." "Wasn't planning on it." Jett replied and pulled a wheelie, I held onto his waist and ignored all the people staring.

"Averie tell me everything that happened!" Molly greeted me. "That's not your sweatshirt-" "I know calm down." I said and rolled my eyes while Jett just laughed and took his jersey off, revealing his nice abs.

"Hello talk to me!" Molly yelled and snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Yeah tell us everything." My brother came outta the trailer and sat next to his girlfriend. "No go away." I said but Chase refused.

"He took me to dinner then we went swimming and watched a movie after going on a walk." I said and left some events and other details out. "And she fell asleep on the couch so I carried Averie to my bed and I slept in the guest room." Jett added and I nodded.

"That is all bullshit." Chase said and I glared, "you didn't even bring a swimsuit with you." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked, "I coulda stuffed it in my purse." "My purse." Molly said and I laughed.

"Well I don't need to know about your date night with your boyfriend so I'm gonna go ride." Chase announced and I just looked at him because he asked in the first place. "Whatever." Molly said.

Chase and Jett were both racing on the track while Molly and I talked a little bit more about my date because there were no other boys around. "Awww and you got his sweatshirt." She said, "I stole it." I added and she laughed. We talked about random things because I tell Molly everything since she's a sister to me. "Cmon babe." Chase rode over and scooted forwards for her, "hell no!" Molly yelled. She finally agreed and I laughed while she was screaming as they rode off.

Jett came over and flung his sweaty jersey at me, I set it on the chair next to me and then he came and sat on my lap while spilling water all on my legs.

"You feel better?" I joked and he nodded, he gave me a kiss and I wiped my lips because he got dirt on me. "Yuck." I said and he smirked.

We left the track around 3 and I told Jett and Molly bye while riding home with Chase. When I got home, I looked online at all different colleges around the area to see which ones offered photography. There was one place and I looked into it, but everyone said there was a lot better offers anywhere else. I saw some other colleges and there was one in Texas that had an amazing program, it looked really interesting.

"Want some dinner?" Chase asked and opened my door, I nodded. "What are you lookin' at?" He came over and looked at my laptop. "A college in Texas?" I shrugged. "There's a great photography class there." I explained and he nodded. "Sounds cool, is there any closer to where you are now?" "I looked but they all suck people said." I told Chase and he just half smiled. "Anyways I'm gonna make some dinner." My brother yelled whole closing my door. "I'll be down in a bit." I yelled back and read more stuff about this college.

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