Part 25

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I told Molly and Chase that I was flying home with Jett because I could not do another 17 hour road trip, I grabbed my bag from their room and then went online and booked a one-way flight back to Florida.

Jett and I got to the airport then I waved goodbye to my brother and went inside, we got checked in and I almost fell asleep again while waiting for our plane to board. I got comfortable on the window seat and Jett sat next to the random stranger, he held my hand on takeoff and then he fell asleep on me right after.

I wasn't able to sleep on the flight, so I just sat there and thought about everything. I remembered my plan for college and I started to wonder if it was even worth it, why would I want to leave everyone? But I would come right back and it would be normal, right?

All these thoughts were making my mind go crazy so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep for the rest of our flight. "Wake up babe." I heard Jett say and then he shook me, I looked out the window to see we were above the Florida airport and we started going down.

Once we finally landed, I grabbed my backpack and then went with Jett to claim his luggage, luckily the plane didn't lose it so we called Hunter and he came to pick us up.

"Want me to drop you off at home?" He asked and I looked at Jett, "Wanna come over?" I whispered and he nodded. "Yeah." I said to Hunter and he turned down my street. He parked in front of the house and waved goodbye while Jett and I went inside and enjoyed the house to ourselves.

"Lets go swimming!" I said and Jett smiled and took his sweatshirt off, I ran upstairs and he followed me. I opened my swimsuit drawer and held up a black one piece, "this one?" I asked and he frowned.

"This one." He held up a dark green bikini with matching bottoms, I just looked at it and shrugged. I jumped in the pool and Jett followed, we swam for a good hour or so and then my skin turned wrinkly so I got out. Jett handed me a towel and I wrapped it around me then sat on our swing, he sat on my lap and we talked and laughed.

Jett decided he needed to go home after it was almost dark, I pouted but gave him a long kiss goodbye then waved as Hunter came to pick him up. My stomach growled so loud and I felt lightheaded, I looked in the fridge and saw there were some grapes so I ate a few of those. Even though it wasn't real food, my mouth melted and I craved more, I ate almost the whole bag and then instantly regretted it.

Sure enough, I had a stomachache after and I felt like I was going to puke, I watched tv for a little while but I had to keep getting up and going to the bathroom because I thought I was going to puke- never happened.

"Hello?" I answered my phone, Molly sounded so tired when she said hi back. "Just letting you know we're only like 3 hours away now!" She said. "Oh good, well I'm gonna go to bed so see you in the morning." I said and then she agreed and hung up.

The next morning, I woke up and Molly was right next to me, snoring. I smacked her with a pillow and she jumped then looked at me and scowled, "I hate you Ave." She mumbled but I shrugged and climbed over her to off my bed. "Wanna go shopping?" I asked and she quickly sat up and nodded. "Yes!"

We got dressed then I said goodbye to Chase while Molly had to kiss him goodbye and I just ignored them, Molly offered to drive but I was honestly scared and I made sure to put my seatbelt on cause she's a scary driver.

"Where you want to go?" She asked and I shrugged, I just wanted to get out of the house. "Ok let's get Starbucks first." "You can, I'll go to American eagle first." I said and she frowned. "Averie." Molly never uses my real name so I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"What's up?" "When was the last time you ate?" She asked, "yesterday." I said but she raised an eyebrow.
"Are you lying?" "No I swear!" I got a little defensive because I was telling the truth. "Ok then..." We walked over to American eagle and I was texting Jett back when Molly stopped right in front of me.

"Uh Averie?" She asked and I looked up from my phone to see what she was staring at, "shit." I said, I was panicking now. "Let's, lets go in here." I quickly said and pulled Molly into the store we were standing by.

"You good Aves?" "Yeah, great." I looked through the window and saw she was standing there with a few shopping bags and her jeans and shirt were all fancy along with her jewelry, psh pathetic.

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