Part 6

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"Averie?" I heard someone open the door, I looked up to see Jett standing there with a concerned look.
"Hey, woah Averie what's wrong?" He asked and came over to me, I sat there and more tears came.

Jett sat down and wrapped his arms around me while I cried for the next 10 minutes. I sat up and wiped my eyes and looked at him, "what's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head no. "I'm fine Jett." I said and tried to stand up, but my hands were shaking. "Averie tell me." He said and looked at me, but I avoided eye contact and stood up by myself. "Av-" he began but I heard a faint ringing in my ear, "Averie!" I heard again but I couldn't respond or tell where the noise was coming from, next thing I knew, I was looking up.

"Averie?" Jett said and looked over me, I closed my eyes again and then tried to sit up but the back of my head hurt. "Huh." I mumbled and he smiled at me. "Averie!" Jett said and picked me up then set me down on the couch, "do you feel ok?" He asked and I rubbed the back of my head and felt a bump.

"By the way, you passed out and hit your head on the floor." He told me and I nodded. We sat there for a few more minutes then Jett stood up and got me a gatorade and a small pack of oreos, I took the drink but refused the oreos. "Ok Averie what is going on?" Jett asked and squatted across from me.

"Nothing." I said and drank the gatorade, my body started to feel more alive after the first few sips. I sat there and suddenly remembered what happened before I passed out, I had gotten the phone call about my dad. A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away but Jett noticed.

"Averie you have to tell me what's wrong." He said and I shook my head no. "I'm fine." I said and stood up, I looked outside the sliding door to see Chase standing up and putting his helmet on. "Jett get your ass out there!" I sniffled and he shook his head. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." Jett said and I groaned.

"You are going to miss qualifying!" I yelled and he shrugged. "No Jett get out there, I'll tell you after." I said and he made me pinky-promise, "ok now go!" I said and pushed him out the trailer, "geez." He mumbled and I followed him out.

Chase and Jett both rode off with their mechanics while Molly, Hunter, and I were left here.
"You ok?" Molly asked me and I nodded, "there was a thud." She said. "I bumped into the counter." I said and she raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways.

"Cmon let's go." Hunter said and we all walked into the stadium then went in track level and watched both 250s and 450s qualifying. All the qualifying races were done and Jett had the fastest time for 250s and Chase was a whole 2 seconds faster than everyone else, both guys were super stoked when we got back to the pits but then Jett came over and dragged me inside the semi.

"Speak woman." He said and I sorta laughed but then realized he was serious. "Fine." I said and took a deep breath. "3 years back, my dad was diagnosed with esophagus cancer but it was only stage 1 so it was an easy cure. Well he went to the hospital after not feeling well a few months back and saw a small piece that has appeared again but they couldn't get it out since it was too small. So it wasn't confirmed it was back but he's been in the hospital for a week-" my eyes were flooded as I explained and Jett nodded while he held me close.

"I got a phone call right before you came in, and it's confirmed-stage 4 esophageal cancer." I managed to say then I broke down again, I buried my head in Jett's dirty jersey and he just rubbed my back while I cried.

"I am so sorry Averie." Jett apologized and I sniffled, "it's ok." I said. "I can't visit him, aunt kk told me but I don't know how much longer he's gonna survive since it's only 4-5 years..." I said and Jett nodded while comforting me. "I can't imagine that." He said and I sat there and he hugged me tighter but I felt numb.

"Are you gonna tell Chase?" Jett asked me.

"After the race, he's gonna be distracted." I said and he nodded.

I managed to stop crying and I picked my phone up, I had a few texts about my dad.

Aunt kk: you and Chase can come visit him tomorrow if you wanted, only for a short time though...they are thinking of trying chemo again if he makes it through the night.

I liked her text and then put my phone on do not disturb and wiped my eyes, I stood up and felt a little better. Jett had to go do autographs and take pictures with his fans but I was not ready to go out there yet, so I stayed inside and texted my dad.

Me: hey dad I heard the news, I am so sorry that you are going through all of this again, hope you aren't in any pain. Anyways Chase and I will probably come visit you tomorrow so see you then and love you lots. 💕

The afternoon passed and I fell asleep a few times but I was inside the whole day which was very unlike me, "you don't wanna sit outside?" Jett asked and I shook my head. "I just wanna not be here." I said and he gave me a pouty look. "How about we go get something to eat?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Cmon, Chipotle?" That sounded so good but I couldn't, "I'll just lay down again." I said and Jett nodded while I laid on his lap and he played with my hair and I quickly fell asleep.

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