Part 32

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Over the next few weeks, Jett has been going to the track and racing each weekend along with Chase, Molly also tags along with my brother and sometimes I would go with Jett but I'm a little busier now. I applied for the college that is in the same city as me because I wouldn't be able to move and restart all over again. Jett was so excited when I told him and so was Molly.

I would wake up then go to school and come home then do my one online class, then I would go meet Jett for late lunch or he would just come over and chill. My brother was super nice and decided to slip my name into conversation with a supercross worker and turns out I can't get the job as a photographer as soon as I finish my one photography class, which is only a 4 weeks class and it's the 2nd week.

Today I got home from school and it was after lunch, Jett came over since it he done with track and we decided to go shopping. Molly and Chase were laying on the sofa when we went downstairs and so I waved bye and then followed Jett to his truck.

"We're do you want to go first?" Jett asked and squeezed my hand, I looked up from my phone and shrugged while turning up the music. "You pick." I said and he nodded while driving me to the mystery place. Jett parked and I looked up to see it was a jewelry store. Holy shit, I'm only 19! What did my mom say, did he even ask my mom or does it not matter since we don't get along. Fuck.

"After you." He smiled and opened the glass door, I walked in and a lady welcomed us. Jett led me towards the rings and my eyes widened. A lady on the other side of the showcase came over and she introduced herself and asked us a few questions, Jett whispered the response back and I couldn't hear.

"Ok well these are the rings you would like to look at then." She said and opened the glass door, she placed a whole case of rings and they were fancy but no diamonds. "I'll give you two some time to look." She said and we both nodded and she walked away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I mumbled and stared at Jett, he laughed and looked at the rings in front of us. "Are you really gonna propose because I'm only 19 and my 23 year old brother isn't even married!" I said a little louder and he looked up and me and laughed out loud.

"This isn't funny Jettson." "It really is, Averie I'm not proposing." He said and I felt a little relieved but I still didn't know why we were in a jewelry store. "I was gonna pick a promise ring but I didn't know what you liked or what ring size you were, so I thought you could pick your own." He explained and a smiled appeared on my face. "Awwww Jett." I said and squeezed his hand. "Pshhh proposing." He said and I rolled my eyes, "I dunno, you scared me." He laughed.

I looked down at all the gold bands because at least he knew I was a gold girly. There was this one that was super pretty but also simple, there were 2 good bands stacked on top of each other and one of them had an initial and the bottom one had nothing.

The lady came back and I asked for my ring size to try it on.
"That one is really pretty." Jett said and the lady agreed, I took it off and looked to see the price, I widened my eyes and put it back then looked at some other ones that were hopefully cheaper.

"You don't like that one anymore?" Jett asked and I shrugged, "maybe there's a better one?" I said and he frowned. "Averie the price doesn't matter, I love you and you deserve it." He whispered and I smiled and nodded but I knew I wouldn't let myself wear a 300 dollar promise ring.

The lady came back with another tray and they were all ugly but a lot cheaper, "how about this one?" I asked Jett and put it on my finger, it was so ugly but I forced myself to act like it wasn't.

"I like the other one better." He said and I sorta groaned because he was going to say that for every one now. We looked at every ring on the cheaper tray but nothing was even worth the 30 or 50 bucks it was.

"Ok so we need that one in size 8 with the J." Jett told the lady and she nodded while grabbing it for me to try on, "that's the one?" She asked and I looked at my boyfriend and he nodded. "Sure." I said and handed it back to her. "Thank you Jettson." I said and he gave me a kiss while we waited in line.

I wore the ring on my left hand because Jett said it was just temporary until a real wedding ring would be worn there some day. We decided that shopping made us hungry, so we went to chipotle and ate an early dinner. After that, we went shopping for clothes and other random things in stores, I bought way to much and so I forced Jett to take me home.

"Let's go swimming." He said once we got in the driveway, "I'll race ya." I said and we both ran upstairs and got our swimsuits on before running back outside, Jett won but I'll say it was a tie.

"I love you so much Averie." He told me once I swam to the deep end, I blushed and he pulled me close. "I love your more Jettson." I said and he kissed me then pushed me underwater.

"RUDE!" I yelled when I came up coughing and Jett made sure I was ok but he was laughing. "How rude."

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