Part 27

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I woke up and went to the kitchen where Kourtney was drinking lots of water, she saw me and smiled. "Hey sorry about last night, thanks for taking care of them little gremlins." She told me and I laughed, "no problem. Is Chad your boyfriend?" I asked, Kourtney sorta nodded and then smiled.

"He hasn't asked officially but we've gone on several dates, so yes and no." I nodded and ate a granola bar while making the kids eggs and toast, breakfast was ready so I put the plates at their seats while Kourtney went to wake up her kids. Wyatt came running to me and then gave me a hug and then sat down to eat, Kourtney came out with little Taylee and a frown on her face.

"Tay your hair is a little crazy." I said and she stuck out her lower lip, "what's wrong?" I asked and put her in her booster chair. "I sick." She mumbled and I felt her forehead. "Kourt, Taylee's burning." I said and she came over then groaned, "Taylee you were just sick!" Kourtney said and the little girl sorta laughed.

After breakfast, I took Wyatt up to his room and helped him get dressed, then I felt his forehead and made sure he wasn't sick. Kourtney came in the room and asked me a favor, "could you take Wyatt out of the house today, I don't want him to get a fever too?" "Sure." I said, "Wyatt pack a bag dude."

We said goodbye to his mommy and sister then I got his booster seat set up in the backseat. I drove home so I could get dressed and out if yesterday's clothes, Wyatt helped me pick out an outfit and then I fixed my hair and put some mascara on.

"Wanna go to the track?" I asked and he was about to say no but then I told him Jett would be there and he nodded. "Ok then." I put my shoes on and adjusted my leggings before getting back in the car and driving to the track. I held Wyatt's hand as he played with his toy dirtbike in the other, we walked over to the Honda trailer and my brother was putting his gear on.

"Wyatt look who it is!" I said and his green eyes brightened when he saw my brother, "Chase!" He yelled and ran over, Chase picked him up over the barrier and then set him down. "Whatsup Wy?" He asked.

"I brought my dirtbike, see?" Wyatt showed him the bike, "that's cool. Did you spend last night at Kourtneys?" Chase asked and I nodded, "sorry I forgot to tell you." I said and he shrugged.

"Ok well imma go practice, wanna watch me?" Chase asked Wyatt and the little boy nodded, he hopped on the bike with Chase and they both rode over to the track while I followed them a bit behind. I stood on the edge of the popular track and watched all the different riders line up at different gates. I felt someone's hand touch my side and I sorta jumped, I was about to yell at this person but I realized it was just Jett.

"Morning Averie." He said and I smiled and gave him a kiss, "you scared me." He laughed, "good."

"Wanna go golfing later?" Jett asked, "I would love to, but I gotta work." I said and he pretend to pout, "aww poor Jett." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"AVERIE!" Wyatt came running up to me and I looked at the little boy. "I fell." He pointed to his knee that was a little stuffed up, "there's no blood bud, you're good." I said and he sniffle while I picked him up.

"Wyatt this is Jett, your favorite 250 rider." I pointed to Jett and Wyatt quickly changed his mood and smiled. "I like your bike." He said and Jett laughed, "thanks bud." "You like my bike?" Wyatt asked him and held up his toy, Jett said it was cool and Wyatt was grinning.

"Now I gotta go race, love you Ave." Jett said and gave me a hug on the side I wasn't holding Wyatt, "look bud, watch Chase go." I pointed to the Honda 450 and Wyatt looked straight ahead and watched Chase go around the track. "Woah that's a big jump!" He said when we saw Chase in the air. "Yeah I know!"

Jett and Chase both went back to Honda so we met them over there, I got a text from Kourtney asking if we wanted to meet her for lunch because Taylee's fever magically went away.

Me: sure, Wy and I will leave the track in a few minutes.

She liked my text and then I put my phone away and Jett gave me a hug from behind but his sweaty torso got my back all gross. "Ew Jett." I said and he laughed, "don't make plans for tonight, I'll come pick you up." He whispered to me and I smiled while he went inside to get cleaned up.

I gave Jett a kiss goodbye and then told Chase bye and I made sure Wyatt buckled up, we headed over to chipotle and met his mama there.

"Thanks for getting him outta the house, Tay's temperature was back to normal about an hour ago and she said she feels fine so I guess she wasn't sick." Kourtney said and Taylee giggled. We got our food and I thanked her for paying for mine, then we sat down and started eating.

"Do you need a ride for tomorrow or do you need anything from me, I will do anything." Kourtney said in a nice voice, I remembered what she was talking about and my mood sorta changed. I thought about the day I had been dreading to think about and I didn't want to go tomorrow, it's going to be everyone with tears in their eyes and saying stuff about my dad but they didn't even know the real him.

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