Part 28

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I finished lunch with Kourtney and the kids but then went with them to the park because I had no other plans, we got back to their house and it was 3 o'clock so I decided to go home and get ready for Jett.

"Bye Tay, bye Wyatt!" I yelled to the kids and they both came running to give me a hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Kourtney said and I half-smiled and she gave me a big hug. "Love you girl."

I got in my car and sat there for a few moments and cried, I didn't want to go tomorrow. I wasn't going to make it through the whole service- there was no way. I wiped my eyes then took a deep breath and drove home.

"Chase I'm back!" I yelled and he told me to shut up, "heyyy Molly." I said and heard her yell back on the phone. "Ok well I gotta go get ready." "For what?" Chase asked, "I'm going to Jett's." He smiled and whispered something to Molly but I ignored it.

I grabbed my blue swimsuit and put it in a bag then I put some waterproof mascara on and fixed my hair. My outfit was a pair of comfy shorts and a white shirt, Jett texted me saying he was on his way and I liked it while cleaning my room up a little before I left.

The doorbell went off and I went downstairs to answer it because Chase wasn't going to, Jett looked at me up and down. "Hey babe." He said, I blushed because if Jett Lawrence was you boyfriend, you'd blush too. "Hi Jett." I said and pulled him inside, he gave me a kiss and then Chase walked down and yelled.

"Woah brother alert." "Hey Chase." Jett waved and my brother just rolled his eyes. I went upstairs and grabbed my bag and shoes then came back downstairs where Jett was.

"Ok I'm ready." I said and smiled, Jett put an arm around me and we were about to leave but Chase stopped us. "Yo Jettson you might want one of these!" He threw Jett a condom then laughed.

"Chase I am going to kill you, leave us alone and we won't be needing that!" I yelled and heard Molly laughed. "God you are so fucking annoying!" "You ready?" Jett asked, I looked at him and noticed he was slightly red, I nodded and we walked to his truck.

"Sorry about my brother, he thinks he's funny." I apologized and Jett squeezed my hand, "don't worry about it, who knows we could use that tonight?" He smirked and I blushed but tried to hide it.

"I saw that Averie." "Anyways..." I said and then we pulled into their nice neighborhood and saw there were no cars in the driveway and all the lights were off in the house. "Hunters at Cynthia's." Jett answered my question and I nodded.

We went swimming for awhile and then Jett made hamburgers, surprisingly I ate one and my stomach was actually full for once.

"I love that swimsuit on you." Jett came from behind and kissed my neck while I threw my trash away, I got chills and he turned me around. I was stuck between the counter and Jett so I decided to give him a kiss and see what he would do, he smirked then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Averie?" He asked, "yeah?" "Did I ever tell you I loved you today?" He asked and my heart sorta melted, this man cares about me so much, yet I don't deserve him.

"I don't think you did." I joked. "How about I show you?" Jett said and I turned bright red and he walked forwards then sat me on the counter. My lips found his and we were making out for a few minutes, I pulled away for some air and then I gave Jett little kisses all down his neck and jawline. He picked me back up and then squeezed my ass and I sorta jumped and giggled. "Ok hold on." Jett told me while we carefully got up the stairs, luckily he didn't drop me.

He laid me down on his bed and I was breathing pretty heavy, I saw him grab something from his pocket of his shorts earlier and realized it was Chase's gift to him. Well we really are putting it to use...

I laid there and my heart was pounding after what we just did, Jett was holding my hand and I looked over to see he was smiling at me. "You're so beautiful." He moved a piece of my hair outta my face and I smiled. I gave him a light kiss on the lips then decided I needed to get home because I needed to prepare myself for tomorrow.

"I love you Averie." Jett gave me one last kiss and I said the same thing back after putting my swimsuit in my bag, I also stole another one of Jett's sweatshirts since it got cold.

That night, I couldn't sleep but I knew I needed to. I went downstairs thinking the couch might be comfier but I saw my brother sitting down and looking at his phone. "Chase?" I heard him sniffle and he wiped his eyes before looking at me, "you need something?" He asked and it made my heart break seeing my older brother crying. "I'm not ready for tomorrow." I said quietly and then tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"I know, it's hard." Chase told me and I saw his phone light up, his lock screen was a picture of him and my dad when Chase was at Loretta's a long time ago. It made me cry even more when my brother looked at me and I saw his pale blue eyes all glossy, he put an arm around me and I cried into his side.

"Have you ever heard from mom?" He asked and broke the silence of sniffles, "no, have you?" "Yeah." He said and I sat up. "When?" "A few days ago, she texted me- I don't even know where she got my number." He explained, "what'd she want?" I asked but it sounded rude.

"I dunno, she asked how you were doing and how she heard the news about dad. Oh by the way she's gonna be there tomorrow." Chase said and I paused. "You invited her?" I snapped. "Averie she's still our mom-" I cut him off, "after she abandoned us for 5 years you think it's normal for her to weasel her way back into our lives. You remember the multiple birthdays, Christmas's, and other holidays she forgot about?"

"Averie." Chase tried to stop me, "she hasn't spoke to any of us since your highschool graduation! She left us like dog shit and now she's gonna be there tomorrow, all sappy yet she doesn't even remember her last time with dad!" I yelled at him and his eyes widened.

"Mom was going through stuff-" "I don't wanna hear it, she dropped us so I'll drop her with no problem." I said and walked back upstairs and cried myself to sleep, that did not help me at all. Thanks bro.

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