Part 7

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It was finally time for us to go inside the stadium, I wished Jett and Chase both good luck and then I found Hunter and Molly. We all went to the same spot we were for qualifying and watched the big screen, the 250 riders lined up at the gates and got prepared for the first heat. Jett and Hampshire were both in this one so it was going to be interesting to see who would win.

The gates dropped and number 18 shot out front, Hunter yelled and I just fake smiled because I couldn't be excited right now, nothing would change that. There was a good battle between Jett and RJ but Jett crosses the finishing jump before the Husqvarna did and Hunter was going all crazy while I just stood there. I saw Hunter and Molly exchange looks after they looked away from me and I walked over to the podium where Jett was getting interviewed.

Jett stood by us and we watched the heat 2 for 250s and McAdoo ended up winning, he got interviewed and then it was time for the 450s. All of them were lined up and the gates dropped, Kenny got the holeshot for heat 1 and Barcia was right behind him. They battled almost the whole race and Barcia ended up pulling a dirty move and Roczen laid the bike over so he placed 3rd.

Heat 2 was up next and I saw Molly get excited, the gates dropped and Tomac got the holeshot but Chase was right behind him. There was no battle in heat 2 and basically nobody moved from their first turn positions, the interviews were done and then it was time for LCQ's.

"Averie I gotta go, see ya after." Jett said and I let go of his hand while he walked away and the first LCQ race started. "Is everything alright?" Hunter asked me and I nodded, "yeah why?" "You don't seem yourself." He said. "Oh well I'm fine." I said and then he gave Molly another look and she smiled.

"Can you come to the bathroom with me?" Molly asked and I agreed, I was waiting for the question and sure enough, right as we reached the stairs she asked what was going on.

"Promise not to tell Chase, I want to tell him after the race Mols." I said and made her pinky-swear. I explained the whole thing to Molly on the way up to the bathroom, she was almost in tears when I finished. She gave me a huge hug while we waiting in line. "You need to go visit him tomorrow." Molly said and I nodded. "That is so sad, I'm sorry." She said again.

By the time we got back down to Hunter, the 450 LCQ's were on their last lap. I stood there and Molly whispered something to Hunter and I saw him smile at me. "Hey Mols!" Chase came over and she hugged him, "you did good in the heat." She said and my brother shook his head. "I should have passed him, I'll do better in the main hopefully." Chase said and then he waved to Hunter and I.

My brother looked at me and mouthed 'you good', I nodded my head and drank some water. It was now time for the main event and I was ready to watch, Jett shot out again and got the holeshot, Hunter and I both cheered this time. Forkner was in second and ended up crashing but he crashed into Jett so he also fell down, luckily he was able to get up fast enough and he kept his first place position. I yelled once he pulled a whip on the final jump, Hunter and I both ran over to the stage where Jett was gonna be interviewed.

"And thanks to HRC and the amazing mechanics, see ya next weekend at SLC!" Jett yelled and did a hang-loose, they thanked him and then went to interview Forkner for second place. Jett came down and saw Hunter and I, he gave his brother a hug and whispered something.

"Congrats Jett." I said and he wrapped his arms around me, I didn't care if he was all sweaty, but I relaxed my shoulders and smiled. "Thanks Ave." Jett said and he held my hand while we walked back over to Molly, somehow Hunter beat us over there and Molly gasped when she saw the two of us.

"I told you Averie! Omg y'all are so cute." She made a big deal and I rolled my eyes, "yeah we're just friends." Jett and I both said but Hunter gave a look and then he laughed. "Mhmmm." He said loudly.

It was now time for 450 main event, all the big bikes were lined up at the gates and the monster girl walked out holding the 30 second board, she quickly got off the track when it reached zero and all the bikes were off. Barcia has gotten the holeshot then Roczen and Chase were right behind him, I looked and saw Molly watching the Honda bike closely and then laughed to myself because she didn't show any interest in this sport until I brought her and she saw my brother in riding gear.

"She should be a monster girl." Jett joked and I laughed and agreed, "she's pretty enough to do it." I added. "What's that supposed to mean?" He looked at me and asked, "I dunno." I mumbled.

"Averie you are pretty enough to do it too." Jett said and I felt the butterflies going crazy in my stomach, "yeah right." I said and he narrowed his eyes while I just shrugged and went back to watching the race.

"Get him! Yeah go Chase!" Molly yelled once he passed Roczen and we all just laughed at her being number 23's little cheerleader. "What?" She asked and turned around.

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