Part 12

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We got a table for two and then Jett ordered my favorite, Philadelphia roll and teriyaki chicken. The food came out and I frowned while staring at it in front of me, "Averie you are going to eat that." Jett told me and I slowly nodded. "Am I a bad friend to Molly?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I dunno you girls are pretty confusing, I'd just talk to her next time and then go shopping or do something she likes. You guys are like best friends so I'm pretty sure she won't avoid you." He said and I nodded.

"I hope she doesn't avoid me." I mumbled and then ate a piece of chicken, my stomach was really uneasy and it did not like that I was putting food in my body. I just smiled through the pain and we talked the rest of dinner. We left the restaurant and I maybe ate 5 bites of chicken but I had 3 sushi rolls and Jett said he was proud of me.

"Ok well I gotta go back home, you going to the test track tomorrow?" He asked. "Want me too?" "Yeah."
"Bye Jettson." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek and messed up his hair then I walked to the front door, I was holding the leftovers and Jett drove away and waved.

"Hey." I mumbled when Molly answered the door, she looked at me and then let me in. She saw I had food with me and she raised an eyebrow. "I ate." I said. "How much?" "Like 5 bites but I still ate." I said and Molly just sighed. "Sorry I kinda freaked out earlier, I just care about you so so much and I didn't know you were going through this." She apologized and I nodded.

"It's ok, to be honest I didn't even know this was going on either, I just laid in bed all day so I didn't know when it was morning or night." Molly laughed and then she gave me a hug.

"Hold on I'll be right back." I said and then ran upstairs and went into my bathroom, I locked the door and puked my dinner up in the toilet, my stomach was in so much pain and I just sat on the floor for a few minutes hoping another round wouldn't come back.

I was all clear so I went back downstairs and saw Molly laying on the couch, watching Selling Sunsets, she smiled and patted the spot beside her so I quickly jumped next to her.

"What would I do without you Ave?" Molly asked me and I laughed while laying on my side and she wrapped an arm around me. My stomach kept making weird noises but I ignored it and shortly fell asleep. I woke up and it was completely silent, I looked around and it was dark outside but Molly wasn't on the couch anymore. I made my way upstairs and passed Chase's room and his door just happened to be halfway open, I quietly opened the door a little more and I saw my brother and my best friend sleeping with their arms around each other, Yuck.

I took a quick shower and then I tried to lay in bed and fall back asleep, but I wasn't tired anymore. I looked on my phone to see it was 1 am, April 3, my dad's birthday. I sat up and then saw a slideshow on my phone of pictures with my dad and I, a year ago. He looked so happy, I looked happy, everything looked different, way different from now. A tear escaped my eye and I sniffled while scarring through more pictures, my first formal, my 16th birthday, Chase's 21 birthday, when my brother won supercross 2 years ago, all those pictures had my dad in them with a smile. I couldn't help but feel guilty since I made him yell at me right before he passed, that shatters my heart every time.

"Averie be a strong girl, it's gonna be hard but you're gonna kick ass in life and just know I'll be looking down and smiling, even when it's tough." Dad said, those were his last words to me.

I was bawling my eyes out and I had never been so angry but also sad right now, I just wanted to curl up and die. I wanted life to go back to normal but no, my life is always confusing.

My phone lit up and I saw Jett was trying to FaceTime me, I answered but didn't show my face.
"Averie why are you still awake?" Jett asked me, "I dunno, why are you?" I asked. "I saw you were active on snap so what's wrong?" He said and I cleared my voice. "I'm fine Jett." "Were you crying?" "No."

"Show me your face." Jett said and I didn't, "Averie." He said in a tone and somehow I listened, Jett's face went from a smile to a frown once he saw me. "Why is such a gorgeous girl like you crying at 1 am?" He asked and I wiped my eyes. "Don't call me that." I said, "but why are you crying?" "It's my dad's birthday." I mumbled and my voice shook while saying that, "oh." I nodded and then took the camera off me. "I'm sorry Averie, you wanna do something?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"I dunno, go to the park, McDonalds, gas station, the track?" Jett started naming things.
"Wait I know, I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said and I tried to ask questions but he ended the call, I groaned quietly and then put a t-shirt on and my slippers then I grabbed my phone and waited downstairs for Jett to arrive.

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