Part 3

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It was 4am and our flight left to Houston at 6, we got all checked in and everything so now we just wait and that's the most boring part. I spotted the Plessinger's at the airport and we talked for a little while but their flight left earlier than ours, so I waved goodbye to all their kids and then went back to playing on my phone.

The speaker said our plane was now boarding and I looked down at my phone to see it was 5:45. I followed Chase and Molly and luckily we all sat right next to each other. The plane was taking off and I always hated this part because my ears would pop like crazy, Molly was resting her head on my shoulder so I felt a little better. I ended up putting AirPods in and falling back asleep on Molly's shoulder once she leaned on my brother, luckily we barely hit any turbulence, so my sleep wasn't disturbed.

"Aves wake up." Molly tapped my shoulder and then she full on shook me, I finally woke up and stretched. I looked out the window to see we were going down towards the ground and the sun was finally out. I grabbed my carry-on and then we got off the plane and called an Uber to come drive us to the stadium.

By the time we got dropped off, it was almost 10 o'clock which when Chase's first meeting started, so he quickly left Molly and I so he wouldn't be late. We both put our stuff in the Honda semi since we didn't have time to go to the hotel before, then we sat outside because there was nothing else to do and it wasn't too hot yet.

"You sure you don't like him?" Molly asked me and we went back to the conversation we had a few days ago. "Molly don't ask me here." I said and looked around, she just shrugged and laughed.

"So you do though?" "It's complicated and I'm not even sure if he likes me back, but we're friends so that might screw things up." I explained and she nodded. "Yeah but ya never know..." "stop it!" I yelled and she laughed. "You guys were sure close at dinner last night, giggling and all." Molly added.

"We were talking about you and Chase." "Omg Averie Lane." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. We kept talking about random things but she kept making everything revolve around a boy. "Ok seriously, imma just not tell you stuff anymore." I joked and she widened her eyes and begged me not.

Chase came walking over so I'm guessing the conference was over, "hey Mols. Averie go find some other friend here." Chase said and I glared. "That's my nickname for her and Molly was my friend originally soo." "Drop it." He narrowed his eyes at me and I glared right back. "Chase calm down." Molly said.

I was playing on my phone and I saw Hunter walk by me, "where's Jett?" He asked, "he's your brother." I said. "I thought you-never mind." He began and I just shrugged. It was almost time for track walk and so Chase stood up and walked away with Molly but I just stayed here.

"Averie!" Someone yelled and I turned around to see Jett walking towards me, "your supposed to be over there." I nodded towards the inside of the stadium. "Aren't you too?" I shook my head no. "Cmon." He pulled me up from the chair and we never let go of each other's hand.

All the staff and media people were walking around interviewing the riders while others were with their managers and looking around. "Hey what are you doing today?" Jett asked me once we stopped by the tabletop jump. I looked at him and froze, "uhh nothing, why?" I asked. "Wanna go to lunch after this?" Jett asked and I was screaming on the inside. "Sure." I said and he smiled.

We were both standing there and Jett was talking to me about the track but I was too busy focusing on his brown eyes. "Ave." "Averie?" "Averie!" Jett yelled a little and he looked at me, "yeah sorry." I apologized and he smiled. "You're staring." He told me and I blushed, "now your blushing." "And now the media people are coming over." I added and he laughed but then looked around to see them walking over.

"We are now here, live from Houston with the one and only Jett Lawrence 250 east rider. Jett how does this track look so far?" One of the interviewers asked. "Well it looks sorta difficult but a lot easier than the motocross tracks that's for sure, but I'm pretty excited." Jett said and then they kept asking more questions so I was just standing there in the background a bit.

"Hey there you are." Hunter came over and saved me, "come over here." He said and we walked away.
"What happened you're blushing." He asked and I shrugged. "Nothing." I said in my most serious tone but then I giggled. "Mhhmm. Wanna explain why you were holding hands with my brother?" Hunter asked and I widened my eyes, "yeah everyone saw it." He answered my question. "Don't worry I'm not mad."

"You don't scare me Hunter even if you were mad." I said and laughed while he glared. "So rude."
"He asked you on a date didn't he." "Yup lunch after this, now you gotta help me hide this from Chase-otherwise imma get a dad speech and then reasons why we do things with protection and it's just embarrassing." I explained and Hunter gave a gross look. "I know." I agreed. "I'll try but I dunno how long."

Press day was finally over and I waved bye to Chase and Molly, "don't let him embarrass you." Hunter said and I told him bye. "Sorry about the interviewers." Jett apologized once we got into the Uber. "Your good, Hunter came and rescued me." I said and he laughed.

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