Part 34

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Sunday morning was rough, Jett and I packed up our stuff and then we met Hunter, Chase, and Molly downstairs for breakfast before our flight to the airport. Once we arrived at the airport, we were a little rushed and almost missed our flight but thank god we didn't.

The plane was taking a lot longer than usual for takeoff and the pilot finally said were were really low on fuel and the plane wasn't accepting any more. I looked at Jett with wide eyes and he just shrugged while holding my hand and telling me there was nothing to worry about.

"You good?" Molly asked from the seat behind me, I turned around and nodded even though I was internally freaking out, planes were my number one fear and nobody knows that. I just hate the fact that there could be an emergency landing or something could go wrong while taking off.

Molly held my left hand because Jett was already asleep next to me, I put noise cancelling AirPods in and hoped for the best while closing my eyes.

I got woken up by somebody shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, the pilot announced for everything to be put away because we were going to go closer to the actual ground.

Our plane landed on the ground safely and so we all exited and then went to go find our luggage, nobody's suitcase was missing thankfully. All of us squished in Chase's truck and then drove back to our house, I went home with Hunter and Jett after grabbing my swimsuit and a purse with my phone and other crap.

Hunter was a great driver and we made it there safely, he disappeared to call Cynthia while Jett ran to his room and I followed him. "Should I wear blue or red?" He asked and held up different color shorts, "red." I said and he smiled and changed into them.

I walked into his closet while he went to the bathroom and I stood a pink sweatshirt of his that I loved.
"That's not even yours!" Jett said and I shrugged, "but I like it." I said and looked at myself in front of his mirror, my jean shorts and his pink sweatshirt, perfect!

"Hunter you ready?" Jett yelled when we came into the living room, "yeah Cynthia's on her way!" His brother yelled back and then we went to the kitchen and Jett loaded up an ice chest with alcohol drinks and some sweet tea.

Cynthia arrived and she was looking really pretty, we all loaded back into Hunter's truck after he hooked up the boat and I sat in the backseat with Jett. "You gonna ski?" He asked me and I shook my head no.

"That is how I almost drowned when I was little, I wakeboard." I said and he laughed, "that's not funny. You any good at it?" Jett asked and I shrugged. "Gotta watch and find out I guess?" He laughed and then we listened to music the rest of the way to the lake.

Hunter paid the parking fee and then Jett got out and sat in the driving seat of the boat while hunter drove back up the ramp and went to go park the truck and trailer. Cynthia and I sat in the front part so that the boat wouldn't hit the dock and then Jett started to drive away when Hunter was a few feet from the boat. He ended up jumping and he almost missed so we all started laughed while he pouted.

Jett went out to middle of the lake and then Cynthia decided she wanted to ski first, Hunter helped her connect the ropes and she jumped in and got comfortable while Hunter started the boat back up and I held up the orange flag and cracked open my first twisted tea.

Cynthia did such a good job at skiing except she tried to jump across the wake and she failed, but she did a lot better than I would do.

"Ok your turn now!" Cynthia told her boyfriend and Hunter smiled, "I'll show you how to jump across the wake." He said and she mocked him while Jett moved to the drivers chair.

Hunter did better than Cynthia at skiing but I didn't tell her that, I held the orange flag up when another boat passed by so they wouldn't run over Hunter and he gave me a thumbs down and Jett stopped so he could come back in the boat.

"That's how ya do it." Hunter told Cynthia and she just rolled her eyes while he gave her a kiss. "Ewww." Jett said and I agreed but Hunter flipped us off.

"Smile!" I said and took a selfie of Jett and I, "send that to me, you look hot." He told me and I frowned and stared at my reflection. "Not really." I mumbled and he frowned. "Of course you are!"

Hunter took us to a different area where there were no rocks because I refused to wakeboard by the shore and all the rocks. "Ok now get out there." Jett pushed me off the deck and I frowned because I didn't have my boots tied. "Hold on, hold on." I told myself and then got all settled and my boyfriend held the orange flag up while Hunter started to go and I tightened my grip on the rope.

I was able to do a 360 and I was so proud of myself, Jett tossed me another can and I drank it one handed while also maintaining staying behind the boat. There was one spot in the water and there were a few bigger waves so I threw the empty coors can back at Jett and then held on with 2 hands and jumped them.

I ended up letting go of the rope and throwing it as best as I could because I was getting bored, Jett helped me back in the boat and he spilled some of his beer on me but I didn't mind.

"Did y'all see that?" I asked and they all laughed except Jett, he just shrugged and said he could do better.
"Bullshit, show me right now." I said and he smiled, "a challenge?" He asked and I nodded. "I'll kick your ass." Jett told me and I just rolled my eyes while he laced up his boot and then Hunter started the boat back up and Jett stared at me the whole time while drinking a coors light.

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