Chapter 86: Subconsciously

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains the most intense sensual content by far. Please proceed with caution. 

Japan University

A certain brunette looks up at the huge sign right at the entrance of the university where her lover is currently attending. Yes, it is a school day. Yesterday, she came home from Kamikochi for a medical mission together with her fellows. Since she is still stressed, not to mention traumatized by what happened later that day, she decided to surprise Kazutora in her free day.

JU is found in Kobe Prefecture in Japan, less than half an hour to travel from Tokyo. Known for being sandwiched between the city and the mountains, Kobe attracts tourists for the activities from mountain climbing to city strolling.

She enters the huge university she once visited and heads toward the building where the classrooms are located. As she is strolling while holding a lunch box where she put her prepared lunch for the man, she sees a photo of a deceased man who used to make fun of Kazutora: Akito Minami. He also attended this university. Upon his death, his stepmother who used to be the dean, decided to take an indefinite leave. Thus, a new director has been selected.

Being the one who told the police department where his corpse lies undiscovered, she remained unanimous to the mass. Same case with the other information she disclosed about Bonten. The people continued to fear them, yet they remain hidden, for people who are associated with them kept their mouths shut. Just like her now. Despite being connected with Bonten's second-in-command, she continues to zip her mouth. Why? Out of fear of what the man may do to the young and innocent Nozomi. Thus, even though she is angered of what he almost did to her yesterday, she remained quiet. Eaten with stress, she decided to come meet her boyfriend.

She continued walking inside the vast building while looking for a certain long-haired man. It is 11 o'clock and plenty of students are roaming around. Finally, she sights him, exiting a classroom. A smile instantly washed over her face and is about to walk towards him when suddenly, she sees a familiar woman walk toward the long-haired. The two started talking while laughing together. She even sees the way the woman taps his shoulder, and he didn't seem to mind. The same bitter feeling starts to eat her heart...thinking that the man may be...

"Oh, isn't that Yukino Miyazaki-san?" A pair of golden orbs quickly turn to her direction. That's when he sees her...

"Yukino!" He exclaimed excitedly and ran to her side. Then, he kissed her cheek and hugged her which shocked the female doctor.

"What are you doing here?! Are you here to surprise me?" The man excitedly asks with a huge smile.

"Ah! Is this for me? Thank you." The man exclaims while holding the lunch box.

"You guys seemed to have leveled things up." The two turns to another brunette who is smiling from ear-to-ear upon approaching them.

"Oh that's right. We are officially dating." The man says before holding hands with Yukino.

"That's great to know. Long time no see, Yukino-san." The pretty lady says and smiles to her. She's really pretty.

"That's right. Yukino, this is Yanagi Manabe-san, one of our new professors here. She used to be the pet shop's official veterinarian for two months. But when she got married, she transferred here in Kobe and started to work as an instructor." As Yukino hears all that, her face got flustered. It's because that introduction contained every single answer she needs for her questions.

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