§ Chapter 1 §

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§ Jin §

Jin walked up to Namjoon.

Jin~"I'm gonna finish you once and for all."

Namjoon~"Oh, you're gonna finish alright~"

Then Namjoon pinned Jin against the wall and kissed him passionately. Jin moaned quietly as he felt Namjoon's tongue start to roam his mouth.

Jin~"Ooh Namjoon~"

Namjoon~"I'm just getting started, baby boy."

Namjoon unbuttoned Jin's shirt and left kisses all the way down his body down to his pelvis.

Jin~"I need more Namjoon, more!"

Namjoon unzipped Jin's pants and then-

Jin woke up with a jolt. He looked around him and groaned as he realized that it was just a dream.

Jin~"Uuuuggghhhh! If I go back to sleep will that dream continue?"

Jungkook~"You had that dream again, huh?"

Jin~"What's it to you? Leave me alone! And why are you even in my room?"

Jungkook~"Because it's time for you to get up. You have a meeting with your men soon."

Jin is madly in love with his arch enemy, Kim Namjoon. No one knows about it except for his best friend and secretary, Jeon Jungkook.

Jin~"Just give me an hour, I want to continue my dream!"

Jungkook~"Nope, get up!"

Jungkook grabbed Jin's wrist and dragged him out of bed. Jin got up and got dressed in a sparkly black suit and sleek black pants with a few nice rings and a chain necklace. He did his hair and walked down the stairs of his mansion to the conference room. His men were all waiting for him.

Jin~"Ok guys, let's get down to business."

Jin went to the front of the room and began to tell his men the plan.

Jin~"We need to do something that will send them a message which is why we are going to kidnap Namjoon!"

One of his men spoke up.

Felix~"Were going to kidnap your arch nemesis? But he's the boss, won't that be close to impossible?"

Jin~"Nope! Because I have a woman on the inside. Lisa has been working as his secretary for 3 months and she has given me all the information we need to get this done. Felix, Bangchan, and Changbin are going to come with me to retrieve Namjoon. Hyunjin, you're the getaway driver. Seungmin, I.n, Lee Know, and Han are going to guard his office and make sure that his men aren't going to stop us. Lisa said that he has nothing to do today so today is the best time to do it. Everyone get ready because we're about to leave!"

Everyone got into the black van and they drove to Namjoon's headquarters. Hyunjin stayed in the van while everyone else got out and got in their positions. They all snuck up to Namjoon's office.

Jin~"Seungmin, I.n, Lee Know, and Han, you guys all stay out here. Everyone else will come in with me. Make sure that no one stops us, got it?"

Everyone nodded.

Jin~"Ok, let's go."

Jin, Felix, Bangchan, and Changbin burst into Namjoon's office. He was sitting at his desk looking at a piece of paper. He looked up when he heard the door slam open.

Namjoon~"Jin!? What are you doing here?"

Jin~"Sending a message, pretty boy."

They ran up to him and tied his hands behind his back. Then they put a towel with chloroform in it over his mouth and Namjoon passed out. They all picked him up and ran back to the van. They got in and drove off.

Hyunjin~"We did it!"

Jin~"It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, too."

Bangchan~"It was crazy!"

Changbin~"Not to mention that he's super heavy. This dude is pure muscle!"

Jin blushed a bit.

"Yeah, he's so muscular and hot..." Jin thought.

Once they got back to Jin's mansion they put Namjoon in the basement, untied him, and they all left. Jin knew that Namjoon would wake up in a few more minutes so he pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. After a few minutes Namjoon finally woke up.

Namjoon~"WHERE AM I?!"

Jin touched Namjoon's chin and tilted his face up.

Jin~"You're with me. I've kidnapped you."

Namjoon~"You're gonna regret this, Seokjin! My men will come looking for me and your sorry ass will wish you were never born!"

Jin chuckled. He thought he saw Namjoon blush a bit but he ignored it.

Jin~"Your sorry ass men couldn't find their own dicks even if they were shoving them in each other's asses!"

Namjoon~"Whatever, you're gonna regret this."

Jin~"I'll believe it when I see it. You're no threat to me!"

Namjoon got up and pinned Jin to the wall. He got in his face and spoke with a deep, menacing voice.

Namjoon~Listen to me, Seokjin. You will not keep me here forever. You are NOTHING! Got it? Nothing!"

Namjoon was so close to Jin, he was struggling to hide his raging boner. He was pinned against a wall just like in his dream! He didn't want to admit it, but he liked it when Namjoon talked down to him. It gave Jin a rush when he called him worthless. It made him even hotter when he called him trash.

Jin~"Sure, buddy sure. Now make yourself at home because it'll be awhile until you leave here."

Then Jin walked up the stairs and left the basement. He made sure to lock the door behind him.

"I have my hot enemy locked in my basement," Jin thought.

"What ever should I do with him~"

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