§ Chapter 21 §

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§ Jin §

Jin woke up the next morning next to Namjoon. He was still asleep.

"He looks so cute when he's asleep." Jin thought.

Jin got out of bed without waking Namjoon up and he went into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and his hair and he got dressed and then woke Namjoon up.

Jin~"Baby, it's time to get up."


Jin~"Yes. I'm gonna go check on Jungkook but I'd like you to be up by the time I get back ok?"

Namjoon~"You're not my mmmoooommmm!"

Then Jin went to Jungkook's room. He found Jungkook sitting on his bed with Tae.

Jin~"Hey. What's up?"

Tae~"Hey Jin, were just trying to choose a name."

Jungkook~"I'm just worried that we'll choose the wrong name. Like what if we choose a feminine name but she turns out transgender or nonbinary? Or what if we choose a unisex name but she just wanted a feminine name? Or what if-"

Tae kissed Jungkook.

Tae~"Baby, everything will be ok. Jin, you wanna help us pick a name?"

Jin~"Sure. What do you have so far?"

Tae~"We have Garam, Yiseul, and Jaehwa. What do you think?"

Jin~"I kinda like Garam but it's not my baby so it's your choice."

Tae~"I like Garam too."

Jungkook~"Ok fine, Garam it is."

Tae~"Thanks for helping us pick. I thought I'd never get him to choose a name."

Jin~"No problem."

Then Jin went back to his and saw Namjoon still sleeping. Jin grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it.

Jin~"GET UP!"

Namjoon screamed from the surprise.

Namjoon~"Did you just hit me with that pillow!?"

Jin~"Yep! What are you gonna do about it?"

Namjoon pulled Jin onto the bed and pinned him down.

Namjoon~"This is what I'm gonna do."

Then Namjoon kissed him. They made out for a while. It seemed like there were no problems but little did they know, they were being watched.

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