§ Chapter 43 §

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§ Jin §

Jin was pacing around his room. Namjoon was at the store and Jin had started to feel like he was being watched again.

"Hello, Seokjin."

Jin~"Who the hell are you and why the fuck do you know my name!?"

"I know everything about you."

Jin~"That's kinda creepy."

"Yeah. Gotta know everything about you though. Your favorite things, your hobbies, your strengths, your weaknesses..."

Jin~"Why do you need to know my strengths and weaknesses?"

"You'll see very soon."

Jin~"Fine, whatever. Who are you?"

"Who am I?"

Jin~"Yes, who are you?"

"You want to see me?"

Jin~"Yes, that would be great."

"Ok then, turn around and close your eyes."

Jin turned around and closed his eyes. He heard some noise behind him.

"Ok, turn back around."

Jin turned around and saw her.

Jin~"It's you! From the fight with Sana's Mafia! Your name is R-"

Then she punched Jin in the jaw very hard, making him pass out.

???~"The jaw is a sensitive spot for you, easily KO's you if punched hard enough. That's one of your weaknesses."


When Jin woke up, he was tied to a medical table in a dark room.

Jin~"Hello? Is there anyone who can hear me? Hello!?"

???~"Why the hell are you so loud?"

Jin~"It's you."

???~"Yep, it's me."

Jin~"Ryujin, right?"

???~"Yep. I'm Ryujin."

Jin~"Why did you kidnap me?"

Ryujin~"You're the reason my love is dead!"



Jin~"What? I didn't kill Sana."

Ryujin~"Obviously, she killed your bitch ass! But if you were never here then she wouldn't be dead!"

Jin~"Why aren't you mad at Namjoon?"

Ryujin~"Because Namjoon made her happy. As long as he made her happy, then I like him. But you made her pretty mad and whatever makes her mad makes me mad."

Jin~"You are batshit crazy over her."

Ryujin~"No I'm not!"

Jin~"I remember in the fight with Sana's Mafia, you came at Namjoon and said 'No! I won't let you go anywhere near Sana!'. Did you do that because you were in love with her?"


Jin~"Oh my god, this is hilarious! Is she even gay!?"

Ryujin~"Yes! Well, um... I don't know... But that doesn't matter!"

Jin~"You're so crazy for her, it's so funny!"

Ryujin kicked his side.

Ryujin~"Shut up!"

Jin fell silent. He didn't want her to hurt his baby. It took so much effort to get pregnant, he would not let it die.


Ryujin grabbed a small knife from a table and cut Jin's stomach. Jin flinched and it started to bleed. Ryujin cut more and more. It hurt more than a normal knife.

Jin~"Ryujin, why are you hurting me!"

Ryujin~"I'm gonna torture you until I decide to kill you. This knife has lemon juice on it so it'll hurt more."

Then Ryujin stabbed Jin's hand. The knife went through his hand and hit the table. Then she grabbed a lighter and put the fire to his chest, where his heart would be. Jin tried to move away from it but he couldn't. Eventually, his skin caught fire. Jin screamed.

Ryujin~"Now you know how I feel."

Jin kept screaming, pain surging through him. After a few minutes, Ryujin put the fire out. Jin was still in pain and there was a very serious burn on his chest now.

Ryujin~"I'm tired so I'm gonna go. I'll kill you tomorrow."

Then Ryujin left.

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