§ Chapter 22 Pt.2 §

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§ Jin §

A loud bang echoed around the room. Jin knew what Yoongi just did. He angled the gun down a bit at the last second, pulled the trigger, and shot his arm instead. Pain surged through his arm. He winced but was able to keep his cool.

Mr.Kim~"Why didn't you shoot him in the head?"

Yoongi~"Sorry, I missed. Can you turn around? It's making me nervous knowing that you're watching."

Mr.Kim turned around.

Mr.Kim~"That's fine. Girls are weaker than boys so it's normal for you to get nervous to use a gun in front of a lot of boys."

Yoongi~"Before I shoot him, I wanna tell you something."

Mr.Kim~"What's up, Yerin?"

Yoongi~"I'm a boy, bitch."

Yoongi pointed the gun at his dad and shot him in the back of the head. His dad fell to the ground as blood dripped out of his head. He was dead, they were sure. Yoongi untied Namjoon and Jin.

Yoongi~"Jin, I'm sorry I had to shoot you. Let's go get you to a doctor."

Jin~"I have a doctor at my house. I am working in the mafia after all."

They took Jin to his mansion and his doctor got the bullet out and he wrapped his arm up nicely. Jin would heal just fine.

Namjoon~"Thank you so much, Yoongi. You kept my baby alive and you killed dad!"

Yoongi~"You're welcome. I'm gonna go, call me if you need anything."

Then he left.

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