§ Chapter 2 §

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§ Namjoon §

Namjoon heard Jin shut the door and lock it behind him.

Namjoon~"What the hell! I can't believe my arch enemy kidnapped me! I need to up my security."

He remembered how Jin tilted his face up and he remembered his deep chuckle. Namjoon didn't like to admit it, but Jin was actually pretty attractive and the fact he he flaunted his gayness made namjoon envy him. Namjoon wished he could come out of the closet and let everyone know that he's gay but his dad gave him everything he has. The Mafia, his men, his headquarters, his mansion, everything! If his dad knew he was gay then he would take it away and give it all to his brother.

Namjoon~"That lucky deuche bag! Flaunting his gayness everywhere and still having everything."

He paced around, thinking about how he would escape. He walked up the stairs and looked at the door. It was reinforced steel, there was no way he could escape that. He looked around the basement for any weak spots but he found nothing. He only saw a mattress on the floor and a toilet.

Namjoon~"Wow how thoughtful."

After he was done being sarcastic, he went to go check out the mattress. He layed down on it. It was surprisingly very comfortable. Then he went to go see the toilet. It was just a normal toilet like the ones he had at home.

Namjoon~"Damn, he must plan to keep me here for a while!"

Then he heard the door open and close.

Jin~"Heeeyyy, Joonie! I brought you some food so you don't die!"

Namjoon~"Don't call me that."

Jin~"Why not?"

Namjoon~"Because it's degrading."

"Because I only let my lovers call me that and I hate you." Namjoon thought.

Jin~"Well maybe I want to be degrading. You are my enemy after all. Hell, why do you think I kidnapped you!?"

Namjoon~"You are no match for me."

Jin~"Then why don't you fight me? Come on, take your best shot!"

Namjoon didn't want to fight Jin because he knew that even though Jin looked pretty small, he was actually very strong and a very good fighter. They've fought before and it never ended well. But he didn't want to seem like a chicken in front of his enemy so he pulled his pocketknife out and ran at Jin. Jin grabbed Namjoon's wrist and squeezed it and with his other hand he grabbed the knife and cut Namjoon's hand with it. Nothing very bad, just enough to make him bleed a bit.


Jin~"Looks like you've gotten rusty, babe."

Jin pushed a tray of food on the ground towards him with his foot.

Jin~"Eat up, you'll need your strength for the days to come."

Then Jin put the knife in his pocket and walked up the stairs.

Namjoon~"That's my knife!"

Jin~"Not any more!"

Then Jin left and locked the door. Namjoon looked at the food. Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side.

(A/n~ I know exactly what I just did😏 we Stan Hobi here)

There was also a grilled cheese next to the soup.

Namjoon~"Not a bad lunch. At least he's not planning on starving me."

Namjoon ate all the food and then layed on the mattress to think for a bit.

"That bitch acts so smug just because he kidnapped me. I hate him! I can't believe this is happening and I can't even fight him because he has all of his men and I don't!" Namjoon thought.

"He can't just keep me down here forever! What does he even want to do with me? Just taunt me all day?"

Namjoon walked around for a few hours, getting himself used to the basement. Then the door opened.

Jin~"Dinner time, Joonie!"

Namjoon~"Stop calling me that!"

Jin~"Awww, but your reaction is so cute! Anyway, for dinner today you have some chicken breast and mashed potatoes and some water."

Namjoon~"So you don't plan on starving me?"

Jin~"Oh hell no! I need you alive. Have a good dinner!"

Then Jin left and he heard the door lock behind him. Namjoon looked at the food. It actually looked really good.

Namjoon~"He's treating me better than I've ever treated any of my prisoners."

Namjoon ate the food and it tasted as good as it looked.

Namjoon~"Holy shit, who made this! It tastes amazing!"

He finished all the food in only a few minutes and then was tired.

Namjoon~"Will he do something to me if I go to sleep? Maybe I should just stay up."

Namjoon stayed up for a few more hours. He was very tired.

Namjoon~"Ok, maybe I should just go to sleep."

Namjoon layed on the mattress and drifted off to sleep.

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