§ Chapter 41 §

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§ Jin §

Jin was now 3 months pregnant. He wasn't showing yet but everyone knew. Namjoon got a little too excited and told everyone. But lately, Jin has felt eyes on him. He didn't know why, but he has been on edge about it. He was used to being watched by enemy mafias but either than Namjoon's Mafia and Sana's Mafia, Jin didn't really have any enemies. Namjoon and Jin joined together so it's not him and Sana's dead so it can't be her either. Jin was now sitting on his bead, reading a book. Someone tapped him and Jin jumped and screamed.

Namjoon~"Calm down! It's just me."

Jin~"Oh, I'm sorry."

Namjoon~"What's wrong? You've been so jumpy lately."

Jin~"It just feels like someone's watching me. It's felt like this for months."


Jin~"I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid."

Namjoon~"No, if you feel like this then we need to make sure that you're safe. I'll tell Bangchan and Hyunjin to go outside and make sure that there's no one out there."

Namjoon left to go get Bangchan and Hyunjin.

Jin~"He's so nice. I doubt checking outside will do anything though. Maybe I just need to take a relaxing bath to clear my mind."

Jin grabbed one of the bath bombs that Namjoon got him 2 months ago and went into the bathroom. He ran the bath and put the bath bomb in. Then he got undressed and got into the bath. It was very relaxing. Then Jin heard a voice.

"You're not safe as long as I'm living. I'll burn you alive, poison you, skin you alive, I don't care what I have to do, I'll kill you."

Jin~"Who was that? Who the hell is threatening me?"

The voice sounded like a girl's. It was familiar but he didn't know why. Jin got out of the bath and wrapped himself in a towel.

Jin~"Answer me, who the hell are you!?"

"I'm the one who's gonna kill you."


"You're the reason that my love is dead!"

Jin~"I killed your partner?"

"You didn't kill her, you're the reason that she's dead! She knew that she was gonna die when she came here but she came here anyway!"

Jin~"What? Who was she?"

"I'm not telling you, then you'll start to piece together who I am. Just know that you aren't safe anymore."

Jin was so confused. He didn't know who she was talking about or why it was his fault that her love died. All he knew was that he was right, someone was definitely watching him.

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