§ Chapter 15 §

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§ Jin §

Jin was laying in the basement with Namjoon. Jungkook was now 4 months pregnant and he would have to get an ultrasound in a few days.

Jin~"It really seems like Jungkook is freaking out about this ultrasound."


Jin~"Yeah, he keeps going on about miscarriages and stuff like that."

Namjoon~"Well he's a first time parent, it's normal for him to be scared. Tae's been a bit on edge too. He's been trying to learn as much as he can about babies and he's been pretty afraid of not knowing enough."

Jin~"Well I'm glad he wants to know more before Jungkook gives birth."

Jin had been wanting to ask Namjoon about something for a while. They had been dating for about 4 months but they haven't met each other's families yet. Jin knew that Namjoon's dad wouldn't be happy to meet him but he thought that maybe Namjoon's brother would be ok to meet.

Jin~"Hey babe, I have a question."

Namjoon~"What's up?"

Jin~"Well ... I wanna meet your family."

Namjoon~"You know my dad won't like you, babe."

Jin~"Yeah, but you have a brother. Maybe I could meet him?"

Namjoon~"Actually, that would be fine. Yoongi would like you. But if I let you meet my family then I want to meet yours."

Jin~"Ok, my parents will love you."

Namjoon pulled out his phone and called his brother.

Namjoon~"Hello?... Hey Yoongi. ... I've been well, but I need to ask you something. ... I want to introduce my boyfriend to my family so I was wondering if he could meet you. ... Oh my God calm down! Of course I'm gay! So when can he meet you? ... Ok, sounds good. ... Bye."

Jin~"He seemed excited."

Namjoon~"Yeah, he thought I was straight this whole time. I was so far in the closet that I could see last Christmas!"


Namjoon and Jin laughed together.

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