§ Chapter 27 §

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§ Jin §

When Jin opened his eyes, there was white everywhere. Fluffy clouds were all over the floor.

Jin~"Ah, I'm dead aren't I? I need to speak to God right now! I need to go back!"

Then a voice called out to him.

???~"You want to talk to me?"

A man in a white robe and a white beard walked up to Jin.


???~"Yes, I'm God."

Jin~"That's good because I need to talk to you!"

God~"What's wrong?"

Jin~"I need to go back to Earth! I need to be alive again!"

God~"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You died too soon and normally I let people who died too soon come back to life but I can't this time."


God~"Because Namjoon has unfinished business that he needs to attend to. I can't send you back until he's taken care of it."

Jin~"Is the unfinished business Sana?"


Jin~"So once he takes care of Sana, you will send me back?"


Jin~"But I still want to be with him, I don't care if I'm a spirit!"

God~"How about this, I let you go back to Earth as a spirit. You can talk to him all you want and whenever he sleeps you will always be in his dreams. He can see you and talk to you in his dreams."

Jin~"Will he be able to see me?"

God~"If you want to show yourself to him then you can but no one else will be able to see you and when you talk to him no one else will be able to hear you."

Jin~"Ok, I'll do it."

God~"When he takes care of Sana, you will be alive the morning after."

Jin~"Ok. Thanks."

God~"I'm sending you to Earth now."

Then there was a flash of light and he was back on Earth.

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