§ Chapter 34 Pt.2 §

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§ Namjoon §

Namjoon walked up to Jin's room.

Jin~"Hey babe. You killed her that fast? That's impressive! And you kept your clothes clean!?"

Namjoon~"Ummm, actually something happened."

Jin~"What's wrong?"

Namjoon~"So after dinner she sat on my lap and started to kiss me and I saw that as my chance to kill her so I took out my knife and I was about to stab her until she said "did you really think you were gonna stab me?" And then she told me that she knew that I was gonna kill her this whole time. But she said she would let me kill her on one condition."

Jin~"Oh really? What condition?"

Namjoon~"I have to sleep with her."

Jin's mouth hung open in surprise.

Jin~"Damn, she's smarter than I thought. Why are you up here then?"

Namjoon~"I wanted to ask you if you're ok with this before I do it."

Jin~"I just want to be alive with you again. I don't care how you do it. Besides, I know you have no feelings for her. Go ahead and do it."

Namjoon~"Ok, thanks babe."

Jin~"Remember to use protection! Lord knows what she's been doing all this time..."

Namjoon~"I will."

Then Namjoon ran back down stairs.

Sana~"So you've made your decision?"

Namjoon~"Yes. I'll have sex with you. But you have to let me kill you right after."

Sana~"I promise."

Namjoon~"Ok, where do you want to do it?"

Sana~"I don't care where, as long as it's with you~"

Namjoon~"Ok, let's go to the couch."

Namjoon led her to the living room and Sana sat down on the couch. She started taking off her clothes. Namjoon took off his clothes too and put on a condom. Once they were done, Sana pulled him onto the couch and started making out with him. Namjoon didn't kiss back very much. He hated this experience already. Then Sana layed down and pulled Namjoon on top of her.

"Do it for Jin, just imagine that this is Jin." Namjoon thought.

Namjoon imagined that Sana was Jin as he slowly entered inside of her. She moaned quietly. Namjoon hated that noise but he kept thrusting in and out of her, gradually going faster. Sana moaned louder and louder. Namjoon still didn't like this. It just didn't feel that good.

"Yep, this is how I know that I'm gay." Namjoon thought.

Eventually, he came and then he got off of her.

Sana~"Wow Joonie, I always thought that you would be good in bed but I didn't think you were THAT good!"

Namjoon~"Thanks. Now it's time for your part of the deal."

Sana~"Yeah. I'm gonna die happy!"

Namjoon grabbed the gun from the coffee table and pointed it to Sana's head.

Namjoon~"Any last words?"

Sana~"Yeah. I just want you to know that I'm way better than that twink of yours and you made a big mistake choosing that whore over-"

Namjoon shot Sana. He didn't want to hear her talk anymore shit about Jin. Blood dripped from the bulled wound on her forehead.

Namjoon~"She's finally dead. Now Jin will come back to life."

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