§ Chapter 3 §

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§ Jin §

Jin went into the kitchen early the next day. He saw his chef, Rosé, making Namjoon's breakfast.

Jin~"Hey, Rosé!"

Rosé~"Hi, Jin!"

Jin~"Is his breakfast almost done?"

Rosé~"Yeah. I made him french toast, scrambled eggs, and for his drink I made him some coffee. But I have a question."

Jin~"What's up?"

Rosé~"Why do you want me to cook him such good meals? He's a prisoner so shouldn't you be feeding him a really bad meal once a day?"

Jin~"Well he needs to stay strong. I wouldn't starve him, I'm not a monster. Well, I am a monster but I wouldn't starve him."

Rosé~"But you hate him."

Jin~"That's enough questions, Rosé."

Jin grabbed the tray of food and took it down to the basement. He opened the basement door and saw Namjoon sleeping.

Jin~"Aww, he's so cute when he's sleeping."

Jin looked a bit closer and saw that Namjoon was shirtless.

Jin~"Oh... Wow. Look at those big arms."

Jin imagined being tied up by Namjoon. Wow, he really wanted that.

Jin~"Oh my God god stop thinking like that and just give him his food!"

Jin poked namjoon with his foot. Namjoon awoke and sat up. The blanket fell off his torso, exposing his chest.

"God damn, he has some nice man titties! Just imagine sucking on those~" Jin thought.

Namjoon~"What do you want?"

Jin~"Here's your breakfast. Where's your shirt?"

Namjoon~"Over there. It got hot so I took it off."

He pointed to a corner of the room.

Jin~"Ok, well don't lose it because I'm not giving you any of my shirts."

Namjoon~"I wouldn't be able to fit in them anyway."

Jin gave Namjoon the tray of food and walked off. Once he locked the door behind him he ran up to his room. He slammed the door behind him and sled down to the floor.

Jin~"Holy shit he's so hot! I can't believe I just saw that!"

Jin imagined Namjoon tying him up, making him beg for mercy as he shoved his Rick hard dick into him. Jin was so crazy for Namjoon. Then someone knocked on his door.

Jin~"Come in!"

Jungkook entered the room.

Jungkook~"Are you ok? I saw you running up here."

Jin~"Oh my God! I went to give Namjoon his breakfast and he was shirtless! I saw his abs! I saw his man titties! Oh my God, it's getting hard for me to control myself!"

Jungkook~"Jin, doesn't he seem kinda straight to you?"

Jin~"No, he's definitely gay. My gaydar goes crazy around him."

Jungkook~"Well I'm gay and I haven't picked up on that."

Jin~"You've barely even been around him! Trust me, he's definitely gay."

Jungkook~"Ok then. But you know he hates you, right?"

Jin~"It's just a little challenge. I like the chase~"

Jungkook laughed.

Jungkook~"You're crazy, man!"

Jin~"Yep! Now I'm gonna go spend some time with him."

Jungkook~"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Jin~"Yeah, I gotta know the best way to make him love me."

Then Jin went back down to the basement and sat down in front of Namjoon.

Namjoon~"What do you want?"

Jin~"Nothing, just bored so I thought I'd hang out with you."

Namjoon~"Id rather you not."


Namjoon~"Because I hate you."

Jin~"But that's exactly why I'm doing it, because I know it annoys you!"

Namjoon~"you're insufferable."

Jin~"Thanks. Now how has your stay here been?"

Namjoon~"Not that bad. The food's good."

Jin~"I know, my chef is great at her job."

Namjoon~"But I'd still rather be far away from you."

Jin~"Aww, well that's too bad because you're gonna be here for a while."

Namjoon~"Have my men come for me yet?"

Jin~"Nope. I told you they're incompetent."

Namjoon~"What's taking them so long?"

Jin~"They suck, that's what's taking them so long."

Namjoon~"Actually, they aren't gay so I suck, not them."


Namjoon~"Oh, did I say that out loud?"

Jin~"Yes you did."

Namjoon~"Well... You heard nothing! Keep your mouth shut about that or I'll slit your throat!"

Jin~"With what? The locked knife I took from you?"

Namjoon~"Fuck you!"


Namjoon~"Wait what?"


"Oh shit, how did I let that slip!?" Jin thought.

Namjoon~"You just said that... Wait you know what you said!"

Jin~"Maybe I do maybe I don't!"

Namjoon~"You want me to fuck you?"

Jin began to blush.

Jin~"Why would I want that?"

Namjoon~"Because you just said you did!"

Jin~"Well I was... I was just joking! I'm leaving, fuck you!"


Jin blushed even more but he knew that Namjoon was just joking. He quickly left the basement and went to his room. Jungkook was there waiting for him.

Jungkook~"So how did it go?"

Jin~"Good and bad."

Jungkook~"How was it good?"

Jin~"Namjoon accidentally admitted that he's gay."

Jungkook~"What was bad then?"

Jin~"I accidentally told him that I wanted him to fuck me..."



Jungkook~"You're a dumbass."

Jin~"I know."

Jungkook~"Well, look at the bright side. At least you know that he's gay."

Jin~"I guess."

Jungkook~"Just chill out for now, ok?"


Then Jungkook left Jin alone.

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