§ Chapter 12 §

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§ Namjoon §

Namjoon and Jin left the basement to give Tae and Jungkook some privacy.

Namjoon~"So they're gonna fuck, right?"

Jin~"Oh yeah, totally."

Namjoon~"Aawww, they're gonna make gay little babies! OH MY GOD I DIDN'T GIVE THEM ANY CONDOMS!"

Jin~"You didn't use any condoms when we fucked."

Namjoon~"Oh... Are you pregnant?"

Jin~"I don't think so but we won't know until I take a pregnancy test in about a week. Do you want me to be pregnant?"

Namjoon~"Honestly, not really. I'm not ready to be a dad yet. I haven't even come out to my own dad yet."

Jin~"Ok, if I'm pregnant then I won't force it onto you."

Namjoon~"Do you want a baby?"

Jin~"I don't really care. I want one but I don't really know if now is a good time considering that you're still technically my captive."

Namjoon~"Ok. I'm glad we talked about this."

Jin~"Yeah, relationships need good communication."

Namjoon~"By the way, do you have any condoms?"

Jin~"Yeah. I have a few in my bedside drawer. Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

Namjoon~"It's fine. I still want you to know that I love you no matter what. Pregnant or not, I'll stay with you."

Jin~"Thanks Joonie."

Namjoon~"Any time."

They hugged and walked up to Jin's room together.

I didn't have much time to write this chapter, I'm so sry Abt how short it is guys!

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