§ Chapter 14 §

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§ Namjoon §

Namjoon was in the basement talking to Tae.

Namjoon~"Do you want to go back or do you like it here?"

Tae~"Honestly, it's pretty nice here. We get free roam of the whole place as long as we stay hidden and the meals are good."

Namjoon~"I know right! When I first got here I did not expect it to be so nice!"

Tae~"You also didn't expect to be fucking your kidnapper."

Namjoon~"Yeah, that's true."

Then Jin and Jungkook went into the basement.

Namjoon~"Hey, babe!"

Jin~"Not now Namjoon, this isn't about you!"

Namjoon~"Ok then..."

Jin~"Tae, Jungkook has something to tell you."

Tae~"Really, what's up?"

Jungkook~"Well... Um.... I'm pregnant."

Tae sat there in shock for a moment.

Tae~"... Really?"

Jungkook~"Yes, I'm a week along. It's definitely yours."

Tae~"And you're sure?"

Jungkook~"You were the first and only person I've ever had sex with, it could only be yours!"

Tae~"Wow, this is very unexpected."

Jungkook~"Will you stay to raise the baby?"

Tae~"Of course! It's my baby and I love you, I would never leave."

Jungkook~"Thanks, Tae."

They kissed and then Jin and Jungkook went back upstairs.

Namjoon~"Congrats, man!"


Namjoon~"What's wrong? Do you not want the baby?"

Tae~"It's not that, I'm just shocked. I didn't expect to be a father at such a young age and I surely didn't expect to end up getting Jungkook pregnant. I am financially and emotionally stable enough to raise a child but I didn't think I'd have to so soon."

Namjoon~"I totally get that! Parenting is a crazy thing and not just anyone can be a good parent. It may seem scary but I think you got this."

Tae~"Thanks. By the way, do you know if Jin is pregnant or not?"

Namjoon~"No, I guess he forgot to tell me."

Tae~"Do you want him to be pregnant?"

Namjoon~"Not really. I haven't come out to my dad yet and he's homophobic so if he knew I was gay he would give the mafia to my brother, Yoongi. Then I would have no source of income. So I'm technically not financially stable enough or emotionally stable enough for a baby. We'll have one later though."

Tae~"I'm glad you realize that you aren't ready for a kid yet. It takes a big person to do that."


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