§ Chapter 24 §

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§ Namjoon §

Jin and Namjoon were sitting in the meeting room with Jin's men. They were waiting for Namjoon's men to show up. Namjoon checked his watch, they were 10 minutes late. Were they even gonna come? Suddenly, 10 people burst into the room. It was Namjoon's men.

Hyein~"Namjoon you're alive! Were so sorry that we are late, something very urgent came up. We need to discuss it later."

Namjoon's men were Hyein, Hanni, Haerin, Minji, Danielle, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Huening Kai, and Taehyun. All 10 of them filed into the room and sat down at the table with Jin's men. Jin had two more men than Namjoon, he had Lisa, Rosé, Jennie, Jisoo, Bangchan, Felix, Han, Hyunjin, Changbin, I.N, Seungmin, and Lee Know. Jin and Namjoon's men all glared at each other. Namjoon's men were obviously not happy about their boss being kidnapped so long ago.

Jin~"Ok so me and Namjoon have some important news. We are dating."

I.N~"What!? But you're enemies!"

Soobin~"Don't you hate each other!?"

Namjoon~"We used to hate each other but then we developed feelings for each other and now we're dating."

Taehyun~"So... Are you enemies anymore then?"

Jin~"That's why we called you all here. Me and Namjoon are joining our mafias together to make the biggest, most powerful Mafia in the world. Since we aren't enemies anymore then it just makes sense that we should be on the same side. My headquarters is much bigger than Namjoon's so you will be moving your headquarters to mine. Is everyone ok with that?"

All the people in the room looked back and forth at each other, murmuring about what Jin had just said. After a few seconds everyone nodded.

Namjoon~"That's good, now everyone shake hands so our alliance is official."

Everyone shook each other's hands.

Hyein~"Ok now that we're done with this we need to talk about the urgent thing that happened."

Jin~"What's up, Hyein?"

Hyein~"There's a new Mafia! They attacked us on the way here and they hate us! They're really powerful too! We need to protect ourselves from them because they're our biggest enemies right now!"

Namjoon~"Really? Is anyone hurt?"

Hyein~"No, we were able to get away."

Namjoon~"Whose the boss?"

Hyein~"Her name was Sana."


He and Sana had a history together. Sana was his girlfriend a few years ago but he broke up with her because she was very toxic. She never got over him. She started her own mafia to take down Namjoon's but her Mafia was never big enough to rival his. He guessed that now her Mafia was big enough.

Namjoon~"We need to get everyone to the new headquarters to figure out our defenses. Let's go!"

Everyone rushed out of the room and got into the vans and drove to Jin's headquarters. Once they got there they ran inside.

Jin~"We need to get to the weapon closet."

Jin led them to the weapon closet. It was very big and had many weapons from guns to flamethrowers. Everyone grabbed a weapon and waited for their orders.

Namjoon~"We need to defend the headquarters. If anyone gets hurt then they need to go to the medic. Make sure they don't steal anything and make sure to get as many of them down as you can."

Then suddenly the door flung open. About 23 people came into the room. They were all waiting behind a pretty woman.

Sana~"Hey Joonie, miss me?"

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