§ Chapter 37 §

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§ Jin §

Jin and Namjoon had been trying for a baby for months. Jin just wasn't getting pregnant. Jin was talking to Jungkook about it.

Jin~"No matter what we do, I'm just not getting pregnant! How did you get pregnant on your first try?"

Jungkook~"I don't know. I'm just a very fertile queen, I guess. But being pregnant isn't all that great, Jin. I'm 8 months in and morning sickness sucks, I'm sensitive to a lot of smells, I can't fit into my favorite clothes anymore, and it's very hard to get comfortable."

Jin~"I know but I really want a baby. It's been 4 months of trying and nothing! Is something wrong with me?"

Jungkook~"Babe, there's nothing wrong with you! Some people just aren't as fertile as others and that's ok! Just keep trying and if you still struggle to get pregnant then consult a doctor and see what you can do."

Jin~"Ok, thanks Jungkook."

Jungkook~"It's no problem."

Jin~"Well, it's getting late and me and Namjoon were gonna try for a baby tonight so I'll go now."

Jungkook~"Ok, good luck."


Jin and Namjoon had sex that night. Jin waited a week and then took a test. Still negative. He started to cry.

Jin~"Why isn't this working!?"

Namjoon came into the bathroom.

Namjoon~"What's the result?"

Jin~"Negative again. Are we doing something wrong?"

Namjoon~"Were doing everything right. We just have to keep trying."

Jin~"But we've been trying for months! I think it's time for us to see a doctor."

Namjoon~"Ok. Does the doctor that works for you do fertility stuff?"

Jin~"Yes. Let's go to her."

Namjoon~"Her? I don't know about this. What if she's crazy like Sana?"

Jin~"Namjoon, Jennie is a lesbian. She actually had a crush on Lisa."

Namjoon~"Doesn't Lisa work for me?"

Jin~"Nope. I sent Lisa to work for you undercover."

Namjoon~"Damn, you really are crazy."

Jin~"Only for you!"

They kiss.

Jin~"Ok, let's go."

They went to Jennie's office and knocked on the door.

Jennie~"Come in!"

They walk into her office.

Jennie~"Hwy, Jin! What brings you here?"

Jin~"Well, we're having some trouble getting pregnant. We've been trying for 4 months and nothing has happened."

Jennie~"Ok. I'm gonna run some tests on both of you so we can figure out what's wrong."

Jennie did an ultrasound on Jin and he ran a few tests on Namjoon and then she told them the news.

Jennie~"Ok, the reason you two are having problems getting pregnant is because Jin has endometriosis."

Jin~"What's that?"

Jennie~"It basically means that you have some internal tissue in places that it shouldn't be and it's preventing you from getting pregnant."

Jin~"Well can we fix it!?"

Jennie~"Well, endometriosis isn't curable but you could get surgery to help clear the tissue."

Jin~"I'll do that. I'll get the surgery."

Jennie~"Are you sure?"

Jin~"Yes, I just really want a baby."

Jennie~"Ok, when do you want your surgery to be?"

Jin~"Next week will be fine."

Jennie~"Ok, I'll check up on you the day before your surgery to make sure that you're still ok with this."

Jin~"Sounds good."

Then they walked out of her office.

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