§ Chapter 8 §

346 14 19

§ Namjoon §

It was silent for a while. Namjoon and Jin just layed on the mattress together. Then Jin finally said something.

Jin~"Hey, can you tell me about your secretary? Like what's his sexuality, does he like anyone, is he single?"

Namjoon~"I can tell you all of those things but why do you wanna know?"

Jin~"I shouldn't say."

Namjoon~"I won't tell anyone, please just tell me!"

Jin~"Ok fine. My secretary, Jungkook has a crush on your secretary, Taehyung."

Namjoon~"Jungkook? You mean the little femboy that you talk to a lot?"

Jin~"Yeah, the femboy."

Namjoon~"Well 1: Tae is gay, 2: he said he likes someone but he never told me who, 3: yes he's single."



Namjoon thought back to all the times Tae had talked about liking someone. He remembered Tae mentioning a femboy a lot.

Namjoon~"Y'know now that I'm thinking about it, Tae mentioned a femboy a lot. Maybe he liked Jungkook too?"

Jin~"That's great! We can get our secretaries together just like us!"

Namjoon~"You're a good wingman."

Jin~"Only when I try to be!"

Namjoon~"It's nice if you to do that though. You didn't have to get information on his crush but you did. You're nice, that's an admirable quality."

Jin blushed.

Jin~"Thank you. You're nice too though. The first day I kidnapped you, you didn't kill me automatically. All you did was pin me to the wall, try to stab me, and try to intimidate me."

Namjoon~"I guess it was the least I could do."

Jin~"Was it though?"

Namjoon~"No, I guess I just liked you and I didn't realize it yet."

Jin~"That's a more likely answer. I have to do babe, bye."


Then Jin left the basement. Then Namjoon realized something. Jin left the basement door unlocked.

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