§ Chapter 5 §

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§ Jin §

Jin walked up to Jungkook's room to tell him what just happened. His hands were shaking from the surprise. He got to Jungkook's room and knocked.


Jin came in.

Jungkook~"Hey Jin! Oh my God, why are you shaking?"



Jin~"We kissed..."

Jungkook~"OH MY GOD, REALLY!?"

Jin~"Keep your voice down! Yes really."

Jungkook~"How was it? Is he a good kisser? Was it just a peck or was it a make out session? Did you do more than kiss ~"

Jin~"It was good, he's an amazing kisser, one was a peck but the other was a make out, we just kissed."

Jungkook~"That's disappointing. Maybe you will do more than kiss tonight~"

Jin~"Damn, I wish."

Jungkook~"So he likes you?"

Jin~"He says he still hates me but I don't believe that. U think he's in denial."

Jungkook~"It's giving enemies to lovers and I am here for it!"

Jin~"I love the enemies to lovers trope."

Jungkook~"I know right! Now here's what you're gonna do. When you bring him dinner later you're gonna wear the sluttiest thing you can find. Nothing that will give away that you want to get laid but still very slutty. And then when you give him his food, sit in there with him and talk to him like you did earlier. Be sexy, make him want to fuck you."

Jin~"That'll be easy."

Jungkook~"Ok, I'll help you pick out some clothes."

They both went to Jin's room and walked into his closet. They chose a black crop top and leather jeans that showed off Jin's curves beautifully. Then they got a black choker and Jin put it on.

Jin~"How do I look?"

Jungkook~"Like a modest slut. But in a good way. Now we wait until dinner."

Jin~"Uuuggg, I wanna see him now!"

Jungkook~"Dinner is in a few minutes, calm down."

They talked until it was time for dinner. Jungkook's watch beeped.

Jin~"It's time!"

Jungkook~"Go get him, whore!"

Jin ran to the kitchen to grab Namjoon's tray of food and he walked to the basement. He opened the door and walked down the stairs to Namjoon.

Jin~"Hey Joonie~"

Namjoon looked up and saw Jin. Jin saw the surprise on his face as he looked at him.

Namjoon~"Why... Why are you wearing that?"

Jin~"What, I can't dress up anymore?"

Namjoon~"No, you can't."


Namjoon~"Because you're making me crazy for you~"

Jin looked down and saw Namjoon's bulge.

Jin~"Why don't you do something about it then~"

Namjoon pinned Jin to the mattress and got on top of him. They made out until Jin couldn't wait anymore.

Jin~"Just fuck me already!"

Namjoon~"Impatient, are we?"

Jin~"Only for you~"

Namjoon undressed Jin and then he undressed himself. He quickly entered Jin, his hard dick felt amazing inside of Jin. He moaned with pleasure as Namjoon thrusted. He went harder, faster. Jin could barely stand it. It felt so good Jin couldn't help but dig his nails into Namjoon's back. The door to the basement opened.

Rosé~"Is everything ok? I heard screami- OOP, I'LL COME BACK LATER!"

The door slammed shut. Jin knew Rosé saw but he didn't care, all he wanted was Namjoon and nothing would stop him. Namjoon and Jin came at the same time and then they both layed on the mattress next to each other, exhausted.

Namjoon~"I'm just letting you know, I still hate you. I was just punishing you for being bad."

Jin~"Yeah, you were punishing me reeeaalll good."


Jin~"Why do you say you hate me even though it's obvious that you don't?"

Namjoon~"You're my arch enemy, of course I hate you!"

Jin~"You wouldn't passionately fuck someone you hate."


Namjoon looked nervous.

Jin~"Do you just not want to admit that you like me?"


Jin~"That's ok. At least I know you like me. You don't have to say it if you don't want to. I have to go though."


Jin~"Bye Joonie."

Jin out his clothes back on and left the basement, locking the door behind him. He went straight to Jungkook's room. The door was already open.

Jungkook~"DID IT WORK!?"

Jin~"You know it, baby!"

Jungkook~"AAAAHHH! Was he good?"

Jin flopped down on Jungkook's bed.

Jin~"He was literally a God!"

Jungkook~"Did anything bad happen?"

Jin~"Rosé, the chef, walked in on us."

Jungkook~"Are you worried?"

Jin~"Not really. I'll talk to her about it later but right now I wanna rest. I was just fucked pretty good and it kinda hurt walking all the way over here."

Jungkook~"That's fine, we can hang out here."

Then they talked more about Namjoon and what should happen next.

Love Me Hate Me ~Namjin~Where stories live. Discover now