§ Chapter 17 §

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§ Jin §

Jin sat on the living room couch. It was a very nice place, big flat screen tv mounted on the wall, plants and books on the shelves for a nicer atmosphere, a comfortable couch, and there was even a bowl of starbursts! Jin took a pink starburst and popped it into his mouth. He looked around the room and saw a shelf with a few pictures on it. Jin got up and walked over to the shelf for a closer look, there were two pictures. One with a girl in it. The girl had long black hair, it went down to her thighs. She was wearing a fancy black dress. The girl looked a bit similar to Yoongi. The other picture was of that same girl and Namjoon when they were younger.

Jin~"Whose that girl? Is she an ex-girlfriend?"

He looked closer at the picture of the girl and Namjoon. They both had their arms around each other's shoulders and they weren't really touching either than that.

Jin~"Maybe not an ex-girlfriend? Maybe it's Yoongi's girlfriend! Wait, is Yoongi gay?"

Then Yoongi and Namjoon walked in.

Yoongi~"Ah, you're looking at my pictures?"

Jin~"Um, yeah. Sorry for being nosy."

Yoongi~"It's fine. Look how cute my little bro was!"

Yoongi took the picture of Namjoon and the girl and pointed out Namjoon.

Yoongi~"Look at his cute little dimples!"

Jin~"So if you don't mind me asking, who's the girl? She's in that other picture too."

Yoongi~"Oh, that's Yerin. She's dead."

Jin~"Oh my God I'm so sorry!"

Yoongi~"It's fine, I'm glad she's dead! It's better this way!"

Jin~"Oh, ok."

Yoongi~"So, when did you meet my brother?"

Jin~"We've known each other for years but we've been enemies for the vast majority of them. We just got together about 4 months ago."

Yoongi~"Oooohh, enemies to lovers! That's adorable!"

Then two other men walked into the room.

Yoongi~"Hey guys! Those are my boyfriends, Jimin and Hoseok. You can call him Hobi."

Jin shook both their hands.

Jimin~"So who's this?"

Yoongi~"This is Namjoon's boyfriend."

Hobi~"So he finally realized he's gay after all this time?"


Jin~"These are both your boyfriends?"

Yoongi~"Yeah, we're in a polyamorous relationship."


They all talked and got to know each other for hours until Namjoon said that it was time for them to go home.

Yoongi~"It was nice meeting you, Jin. Come over any time you'd like and don't hesitate to call me if Namjoon is being a dick."

Jin~"Ok, bye!"

Then they left.

Jin~"I really like your brother and his boyfriends."

Namjoon~"Yeah, they're nice people. But now it's my turn."


Namjoon~"It's my turn to meet your family, obviously."


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