§ Chapter 11 §

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§ Jin §

Jin and his men were back at Namjoon's headquarters. They were about to get Taehyung.

Jin~"Hyunjin, you're still the getaway driver. Everyone else comes with me."

They all went into the building and snuck to Taehyung's office.

Jin~"Ok, Changbin will go in with me but everyone else will stay here and guard the door."

Jin and Hyunjin burst into Taehyung's Office and saw him reading a book. He looked up at them.

Tae~"Oh my God, why are you guys here! Haven't you guys already taken enough from us?"

Jin~"Not yet, pretty boy."

Then Jin put a chloroform cloth over Tae's face and he passed out. Changbin and Jin picked up Tae and ran to the van with the rest of his men. They got in and Hyunjin quickly drove away.


Felix~"So why did you need him?"

Jin~"Oh ... Um, Namjoon's men weren't doing anything so we had to take him so they would realize that they needed to do something."

Hyunjin~"I guess that makes sense."

Changbin~"At least he was a lot lighter than his boss!"

Felix~"No wonder you needed three other people to help you with Namjoon, that guy was HEAVY!"

Jin~"It's just muscle weight."

Bangchan~"Yeah. Namjoon may be our enemy but he's ripped, I'll give it to him."


Jin was thinking about the sex he and Namjoon had that morning.

Jin~"He's so ripped..."

Then they got back to the mansion. Jin took Tae to the basement and Namjoon layed Tae on the mattress. Once Tae woke up he looked around and then saw Namjoon.


Namjoon~"Of course I'm alive! I could've left on my own today if I wanted."

Tae~"Really? Then let's go home!"

Namjoon~"Um, I actually want to stay here. Me and Jin are dating now so...."

Tae~"Really, then why'd you bring me here?"

Namjoon~"Because you were talking about some femboy you liked. Was his name Jungkook."


Namjoon~"You like Jin's secretary so we brought you here to get you closer to him."

Tae~"That's so nice of you!"

Jin~"We know. Now I'll bring down Jungkook."

Jin went up to Jungkook's room.

Jin~"Hey, he's here."

Jungkook was in his closet looking at himself in the mirror.

Jungkook~"Ok, how do I look?"

Jungkook was wearing a black crop top that was partially see through. He was also wearing a shirt black skirt and some black heels.

Jin~"You look like you're a Mafia slut. Now go get him!"

Jin and Jungkook went back down to the basement. When Tae saw Jungkook he couldn't help but gasp.

Jungkook~"Hi, Tae."

Tae~"You look beautiful."

Jungkook blushed.

Jungkook~"Thank you."

Namjoon~"We'll leave to give you two some privacy."

Namjoon took Jin's hand and they left the basement.

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