§ Chapter 7 §

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§ Jin §

The next day, Jin woke up pretty sore. He was still in Jungkook's room, they had a little sleep over.

Jin~"Jungkook, get me some water!"

Jungkook~"Get it yourself."

Jin~"But I'm sooorrrreeee!"

Jungkook~"If your too sore to get up and get water then how will you feed Namjoon three times today?"

Jin~"Joonie is worth it, water isn't."

Jungkook~"Fine, you big baby."

Jungkook went to grab Jin some water.

Jin~"Thank you, bestie!"

Jungkook~"I expect you to do this for me when I eventually get railed by my crush."

Jin~"You have a crush?"

Jungkook~"Oh, umm.... Maybe?"


Jungkook~"None of your business!"

Jin~"It's all of my business! Do I know him?"

Jungkook~"Well, you know he exists."

Jin~"Ummm.... Give me a hint."

Jungkook~"They're associated with Namjoon."

Jin~"REALLY!? Who could it be....wait. Is it?"

Jin looked at Jungkook with a smirk.


Jin~"I've seen the way you look at him."

Jungkook~"Ok fine, yes it's him."


Jungkook~"He has a name!"

Jin~"Right, Taehyung. When did you start liking him?"

Jungkook~"I guess when you started liking Namjoon I noticed his secretary and I started to like him."

Jin~"That's adorable!"

Jungkook~"Stop it!"

Jin~"Do you think he likes you back?"

Jungkook~"I don't know. Maybe?"

Jin~"Had he given you any signs?"

Jungkook~"I mean, he slapped my butt once but that's the biggest sign he's given."

Jin~"Ooooohhh, he wants that ass!"


Jin~"You're so cute when you're flustered!"

Jungkook~"You're a menace!"

Jungkook covered his red face with his hands.

Jin~"Don't worry, I'll help you with this."

Jungkook~"To be honest, I don't know if I can trust your help."

Jin~"Well I'm fucking I'm crush, aren't I?"

Jungkook~"That's only because of me."

Jin~"I guess you're right. Come on, just trust me!"

Jungkook~"Ok fine."

Then Jungkook's watch beeped.

Jin~"Time for breakfast, see you later Jungkook!"

Jin got up and ran to the kitchen. He took the tray of food from Rosé.

Rosé~"So,um, are we gonna talk about what I walked in on yesterday?"

Jin~"Just don't tell anyone and you're good."


Then Jin took the tray down to the basement.

Jin~"Hey Joonie, I got your food!"

Namjoon~"Hey Jin. Can we talk for a bit?"


Jin was a bit surprised by his seriousness. Jin sat next to Namjoon.

Namjoon~"So, I was thinking about what you said and I think you're right, I don't hate you. In fact, I think I love you. And I would love to be your boyfriend but I can't. If my dad found out I was gay then he would give the mafia to my brother. I need the Mafia, it's all I have. So I was thinking, maybe we could date in secret?"

Jin~"That's a great idea! But why don't your parents support gays? My parents know I'm gay and they don't care."

Namjoon~"My dad's just very homophobic."

Jin~"That's terrible! I'm ok with dating in secret. I don't know how my crew would react if they knew we were dating anyway. But you know my chef walked in on us yesterday, right?"

Namjoon~"Yeah I saw her. She isn't gonna tell anyone, right?"

Jin~"I told her to keep her mouth shut about it so we don't have to worry about everyone knowing about us."

Namjoon~"That's good. Are you sure she will actually keep her mouth shut about it though?"

Jin~"If she doesn't then I'll kill her so I think she knows better than to do that."

Namjoon~"Let's hope she knows better than that."

Jin~"So are we officially dating?"



Namjoon kissed Jin and then they layed down on the mattress and cuddled for awhile.

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