§ Chapter 40 §

120 5 13

§ Namjoon §

Jin~"Joonie, is this really necessary?"

Namjoon~"Yep. You need to be at maximum comfort."

Namjoon put one more pillow by Jin and then stepped back to look at his masterpiece. Two planets covering Jin and the bed and pillows all around him.

Jin~"It's getting kinda hot under here."

Namjoon~"Don't move! You and the baby have to be comfortable."

Jin~"Namjoon, I just found out that I'm pregnant yesterday. The baby doesn't even have a heartbeat."

Namjoon~"Ok well then you must be comfortable at all times. My princess must be well taken care of."

Jin~"Well I would be much better if you took these blankets off of me at least."

Namjoon~"Ok fine."

Namjoon took both blankets off of Jin.

Jin~"Why do you feel the need to keep putting blankets and pillows on me and make me comfy?"

Namjoon~"Because you're the mother of my child, I'm treating you like the queen you are."

Jin~"That's very sweet Namjoon but there isn't even a baby bump yet, I don't really feel any different from when I wasn't pregnant."

Namjoon~"Well, I'm still trying to treat you like you deserve to be treated."

Jin~"If you want to treat me right then you can get me some water."


Namjoon raced off to get the water and Jin turned on the TV. But little did they know, that there was a figure watching them from their window. Their breath fogged the window as they watched Jin intently. They never took their eyes off of him. Pure anger burned inside of them.

???~"You... You're the reason my purpose in life is gone. I will murder you and everyone you love, you whore."

Love Me Hate Me ~Namjin~Where stories live. Discover now