§ Mini Chapter §

101 4 4

§ ??? §

She snuck back into her room by going in through her window.

???~"There's no way she's gonna catch me this way."

She fell through her window and into her room.

??~"Where have you been? Why were you sneaking back into your room?"

???~"Oh my god, stop riding my ass! I was just working on my little solo mission."

??~"You've been doing that 'little solo mission' for 3 months. I'm gonna tell the boss if you don't stop soon."

???~"Just because you're my supervisor doesn't mean you get to dictate what I do. Besides, the boss has only been boss for 3 months, she doesn't know what she's doing yet."

??~"She was good friends with
Ms. Minatozaki before she died so she knows what she's doing."

She thought about Ms. Minatozaki. Her love. She was murdered because of Jin. She still didn't understand why she went over there even though she knew that she was gonna die. She wished that she could've confessed her feelings before Ms. Minatozaki before she was killed.

???~"Whatever, she still doesn't have all of us under control yet."

??~"Well she said that she's about to send all of us out on a mission so you better get your head out of your ass before then."

???~"Or what?"

??~"I'll tell the boss and she will have you killed."

???~"Ugh fine."

??~"That's what I thought. Oh, and your roommate is training right now in case you were wondering."

???~"Ok, thanks."

Then her supervisor left.

???~"Ugh, she's getting tired of this. I need to finish doing this soon before I get myself killed. I didn't plan on kidnapping him until at least another month but I'm gonna have to speed this up. Tomorrow, I'm kidnapping Kim Seokjin."

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