§ Chapter 23 §

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§ Jin §

Jin and Namjoon were laying on the mattress in the basement, discussing what to do since his dad was just killed a week ago.

Namjoon~"We really don't have to keep our relationship a secret anymore since my dad is finally dead."

Jin~"Well... What about your mom? You always talk about your dad but I've never heard about your mom."

Namjoon~"Oh, my mom's dead. My dad has always been abusive even before me and Yoongi were born. When I was about 15 my mom said that she wanted a divorce. Dad asked why and she said it was because she had feelings for a woman she met at the grocery store. He beat her to death that night. Me and Yoongi tried to help her but he beat us until we passed out and when we woke up the next morning, he was gone and she was dead."

Jin~"Oh my God, Joonie I'm so sorry that I asked you about that. I should've just kept my mouth shut."

Namjoon~"It's ok, you have the right to know too. And I know that my mom went to a better place and my dad will be rotting in hell."

Jin~"Yeah, the king and queen of hell will make sure to take care of him."

Namjoon~"Well, changing the subject, I was thinking that we should tell our men that were dating. Like honestly, half of my men are gay anyway so it's not like they'll care."

Jin~"But won't we still have to be rivals?"

Namjoon~"Maybe we could conjoin our mafias? We're both pretty powerful so if we joined together we'd be unstoppable."

Jin~"Yeah. We can invite your men and my men to a meeting spot to tell them soon."

Namjoon~"Sounds good to me."

Jin~"That's good. Now maybe we could play around a bit~"

Namjoon~"You read my mind~"

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