§ Chapter 35 §

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§ Jin §

Jin and Namjoon were talking in Jin's room. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Namjoon~"I'll get it, babe."

Namjoon kissed Jin and went downstairs. He was taking awhile so Jin went downstairs to see what was taking him so long. Then Jin saw Namjoon kissing a girl at the door. He looked a bit closer and saw that is was none other than Sana.

"I thought she was dead..." Jin thought.

Sana and Namjoon were passionately making out. Moans came from both of them as they kissed. Tears pooled in Jin's eyes.


Namjoon turned around to look at Jin.

Namjoon~"Oh, hey."

He said that like nothing was wrong. Like he wasn't just making out with a girl even though he had a boyfriend.

Jin~"What are you doing? Why are you kissing her? Didn't you kill her?"

Namjoon~"Well, it turns out that she's not actually dead and she came by to apologize for being a psycho to me."

Jin~"Um ok, so why are you making out with her then?"

Sana~"Because we love each other, obviously."

Namjoon~"Yeah, I kinda fell for her while we were having sex."

Jin~"So you're cheating on me?"

Namjoon~"Nope, I'm not cheating on you,"

Jin~"That's good, for a second I thought-"

Namjoon~"Because I'm breaking up with you."

Jin felt his heart stop and his blood run cold.


Namjoon~"You heard me, I'm breaking up with you. I'm not cheating on you if I'm not with you."

Jin~"But... But I love you! Don't you still love me!?"

Namjoon~"Not really. You got boring pretty quickly."

Tears started to fall onto Jin's cheeks and drip down to his neck.

Jin~"You don't mean that, Joonie... I know you don't mean that."

Namjoon~"I mean it. Now get out of my sight, faggot."


Then Jin woke up. He was in his bed next to Namjoon. He looked at his hands. He wasn't a spirit anymore. He was alive. Jin looked at Namjoon and ran his fingers through his lover's hair.

Jin~"It was just a dream. I'm glad to be with you again, Joonie."

Then Jin layed back down and fell back asleep.

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