§ Chapter 46 §

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§ Namjoon §

Jungkook had just given birth a few months ago and Jin was about 9 months pregnant. He was going to give birth any day now so Namjoon and Tae wanted to go out and have fun before then.

Namjoon~"Hey baby, me and Tae want to go to the club together. Are you ok with that?"

Jin~"Well, what if someone tries to hurt you? Or hit on you?"

Namjoon~"I can protect myself and I will turn them down if they try to hit on me."

Jin~"Ok. I guess me and Jungkook will hang out tonight."

Namjoon~"Ok, bye baby."

He and Jin kissed and then Namjoon got Tae and they left. Once they got to the club they went straight to the bar.

Tae~"I feel bad for your boyfriend. He can't drink until the baby is born!"

Namjoon~"Eh, I'm not the biggest fan of drinking but I guess this time it wouldn't hurt."

Tae~"Yeah. And I was thinking about proposing to Jungkook soon. Do you think he'd say yes?"

Namjoon~"Why wouldn't he? He's totally crazy for you!"

Tae~"That's true. How about you and Jin? Don't you plan on marrying him?"

Namjoon~"Of course I do! But I think I'd rather propose after our baby is born."

Tae~"Why's that?"

Namjoon~"Because pregnancy is already stressful enough for Jin, I don't want to stress him out even more with wedding planning."

Tae~"That's pretty sweet."

They drink their drinks and get more. They drink a lot that night. Soon they're extremely drunk. They end up making out in the bathroom of the club.

Tae~"Please Joonie, fuck me!"

Namjoon~"Fuck you?"

Tae~"Yes! Fuck me, daddy!"

Namjoon~"You don't have to tell me twice~"

They both get undressed and Namjoon fucks Tae hard. Tae moans with every thrust. Namjoon made sure not to cum into Tae. Once they were done, they fell asleep in the stall, naked.

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