§ Chapter 30 §

143 3 36

§ Namjoon §

Namjoon was asleep. He was having a dream and Jin was in it.


Jin~"Yep, it's me bitch."

Namjoon~"You're in my dreams too?"

Jin~"I'll be in all of your dreams until you kill that desperate whore and revive me. But in your dreams you can actually touch me."

Namjoon ran to Jin and hugged him. Jin's skin felt as soft and smooth as it did when he was alive. His scent smelled just as good as the day he died.

Namjoon~"I love you so much."

Jin~"I love you too!"

They hugged for a bit and then Jin looked at Namjoon's face. Namjoon locked eyes with him and they stared into each other's eyes for awhile until they started to make out. They had passionate sex and then layed next to each other for a bit.

Namjoon ~"I wish we could do this in real life."

Jin~"Me too."

Namjoon~"Wait, can you get pregnant like this?"

Jin~"Bro, I'm literally dead. What do you think?"

Namjoon~"Yeah, I guess you have a point. That means I can do whatever I want~"

Jin~"Yes, daddy~"

They made out again.

Jin~"Joonie, you have to wake up now."

Namjoon~"No! I want to stay with you!"

Jin~"You have to."

Namjoon~"But it's only been an hour or two!"

Jin~"It's only been an hour or two in this dream but in real life it's been about 9 hours and it's time for you to wake up."

Namjoon~"Please don't make me go."

Jin~"I'm sorry, you have to."

Then Namjoon woke up. He looked around but Jin's spirit was nowhere to be found. Namjoon began to cry again.

Namjoon~"Why didn't I just save him!? I can't believe myself!"

Namjoon missed Jin dearly. The dream made things a bit worse because he was figuring out everything he had lost. Namjoon got up and walked to the bathroom he rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie and took off three of his bandaids. The cuts already had a scab on them. Namjoon grabbed Jin's razor and slashed at them and made them bleed worse than before until he felt calmer. He then put on new bandaids, washed the razor, and rolled the hoodie sleeve back down. He looked at himself in the mirror.

Namjoon~"Would Jin be proud of me for this?"

He stared into his own eyes.

Namjoon~"I'm atoning for my sins, righting my wrongs. Of course he would be proud of me."

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