💜🏁We'll take care of you💜💫🔪❤️

625 21 13

Caregivers: Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa
Little: Kokichi Ouma
hi!! this was requested by APAWCALYPSE :) i hope you guys like it!! i do want to say that i have marching band right now, and a very busy school year up ahead of me, so i may not be able to write as much or post as often as i usually do :( i'm really sorry— but i promise i have not abandoned this book!! until i say otherwise, i will be taking requests and writing them when i get a chance, so thank you for being patient. i hope you have a wonderful day everyone! thank you for reading <3

Kokichi huffed as he walked aimlessly through the halls. He wasn't sure exactly where he was going, but all he could tell you was that he was completely and utterly bored.

He woke up small, which was a pretty big deciding factor in whether or not he went to the Dining Hall for breakfast. Upon the realization he simply could not shake the fuzzy feeling away, he had ended up skipping breakfast. He opted for coloring in his room or murmuring to his stuffed animals.

But that got old pretty quickly. By noon, he didn't think he had ever felt so bored! And he was a little hungry, too...

So, he silently prayed that he wouldn't walk into anyone before leaving his dormitory, walking through the halls to get to the Dining Hall.

And so far, all was well. Kokichi was getting pretty close to where he needed to be, and he hadn't run into anyone yet!

...Well, that was until he turned around a corner and found Maki and Kaito talking to each other near the entrance.

He quickly tried to dash back around the corner, but that proved to be useless when he heard a sharp, "Ouma-kun" echo throughout the hallway.

Darn it! He'd been caught!

Sheepishly, he slowly stepped back, wincing as Maki glared at him while Kaito looked surprised to see him.

"Where have you been?" She asked coldly, "You weren't at breakfast, and no one has been able to find you anywhere."

Kokichi tugged at the sleeves of his shirt, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she scolded him.

"Don' have to say everywhere I go..." He muttered in annoyance. Couldn't she just leave him alone?

Maki visibly bit back a reply when Kaito started to speak.

"Hey, you really worried everyone for a second there," Kaito rubbed the back of his neck, "In the situation we're in, it was a bit concerning not to see you for a while."

Kokichi's face burned with shame as he realized Kaito was right. It would be scary if one of his classmates didn't appear all morning. He didn't even think of that.

"Oh..." He stammered.

"'Oh'? Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Maki spoke coldly.

Kokichi's eyes began to water before he knew it, and he wished he could stop. But she was being so mean to him, and he really did feel bad about making everyone worry! He thought he was just doing everyone else a favor, saving himself the embarrassment of being caught regressed. But clearly, that hadn't been the case.

He should have just stayed in his room. He didn't want to be confronted, scolded like this.

"'M sorry," He whimpered, "R-Really am. Don' be mad— p-please?"

Kaito's expression softened, while Maki's turned into confusion. He couldn't blame her for it, but he also did not have the energy to play the Evil Supreme Leader act.

"We aren't mad," He said, "We were just a little concerned, yeah? That's all."

Kokichi sniffled, fidgeting with his fingers.

"'Kay..." He mumbled, "Didn' leave 'cause I didn' wanna bother everyone."

"How would you be bothering us?" Kaito asked him.

Kokichi didn't really think about the weight telling them held. The words just sort of slipped out on impulse.

"'Cause 'm small."

Kaito gave an 'ah', as if he sort of suspected that all along while realization flashed through Maki's eyes.

Kokichi wasn't surprised that Maki knew what age regression was. She had been in an orphanage for most of her life, and worked with many different kids. She'd probably heard of it at least once.

Kaito, however... Kokichi's not sure how he knows. He's just grateful he does.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have been bothering anyone, Ouma-kun," Kaito said in a gentle voice.

Kokichi shrugged. Still, he didn't feel the most comfortable regressing in front of all of his classmates.

"Ouma-kun," Maki cleared her throat, "You haven't had breakfast, so you're probably hungry. Would you like me to make you something?"

Kokichi blinked at the offer.

Maki was offering to make something for him? Essentially... take care of him, in a way?

"You don' hafta," He said.

It was obvious she didn't like him. He didn't want her to feel obligated to look after him or anything.

"I will," Maki insisted, "There's probably peanut butter and jam in here, but you should probably have more than that. What kind of fruit do you like?"

Kokichi chewed on his lower lip, his chest feeling warm at her persistence to do this for him.

"Uh... Grape?"

"We have those. Be patient— I'll get something ready for you."

She walked off into the Dining Hall, Kaito chuckling.

"I should probably go in there and help her," He said, "C'mon, Ouma-kun. You can watch."

Kokichi followed Kaito into the Dining Hall, sitting down on a nearby chair and watching as Maki made something for him.

(And as childish as it maybe was, Kokichi was elated to find out that she had cut his sandwich into the shape of a bunny!)

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