🍊☁️You're not alone🍀💚

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Caregiver: Nagito Komaeda
Little: Hajime Hinata
Hey! I've wanted to write a scene like this for some time— so, I hope you like it c: This takes place after the first trial in SDR2, so possible spoilers for that! Oh, I also want to apologize for not uploading in so long, haha— this has been sitting in my drafts for a while but I finally finished it! If you have any requests, feel free to leave them! I'm sorta running out of ideas, haha :,) Thanks for reading :D

Hajime was sure that out of everything he could be doing right now, he should not be walking to the place in which Nagito was tied up.

Especially while he was regressed.

And especially not directly after a trial.

And obviously not after he's just had an unnerving nightmare.

Of course, he didn't know why he was making such a long trek all the way to the cabin. It was cold, and dark— he simply could have gone to someone else's cabin near him.

Like Kazuichi's. He thought they were decent friends. Or maybe Chiaki's— she surely wouldn't mind if he stayed with her.

Yet here he was, shivering in the rather crisp air and making his way all the way over to Nagito's cabin.

If he was thinking properly, he would have absolutely despised for anyone to see him regressed. He would have tried to suck it up and stay in his own cabin.

But he wasn't thinking properly.

He'd already made it this far, and he didn't want to turn around— each shadow he saw and whistling of the wind he heard further convincing him to keep going.

Hajime didn't really stop to think, stop to take a breath or even let himself panic. Not until he finally reached the door of the cabin. He'd just been walking, telling himself he just had to make it a couple more steps, and he'd be fine.

...So, what now?

Hajime still had the vivid memory of the nightmare ingrained into his mind, and the cold and intimidating atmosphere truly didn't help him.

He was standing outside of a cabin, with literally some guy in there tied up. He was shivering, he was cold, why did he come here in the first place?

He might as well just turn back. If he opened the door, he was sure Nagito would hear—

A breeze of the wind suddenly caused rustling and creaking outside, which caused Hajime to ultimately decide that he did not care if he woke Nagito up, he was tired and absolutely horrified, he just wanted somewhere to be where he wasn't alone.

Hajime tried to open the door as quietly as he could, creaking it open just enough for him to slip through before he then closed it, standing inside now.

He hardly took time to assess his situation— once his gaze landed on Nagito, and he realized he was asleep, he let out a sigh of relief.

Good. That'd be really hard to explain as to why he was sneaking in here in the middle of the night.

Still, though— there was a sense of security washing over him. It was probably the idea that he wasn't alone anymore, so that meant nothing could hurt him.

It sounds kind of foolish when you put it into words, but it really does make someone feel a little safer.

Hajime walked over just slightly, before sitting down. He was sure to not be too close to Nagito— if he woke him up, he might be mad.

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