📕📌Make it all better🏍🍂

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Caregiver: Mondo Owada
Little: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
hello!! this was requested by KazzyBear__ :D i hope you enjoy this!! this is my first ishimondo request so i'm super happy to write for it— i hope you all like it!! take care and remember to drink some water and do things that make you happy <3

Taka could tell that something had been up with his caregiver recently.

He wasn't sure what— but all he knew was that he'd been strangely quiet— distant almost. His voice never held the same excitement it usually did when they spoke and he just seemed down.

So— Taka wanted to find a way to make it better! Mondo was always so nice to him, lighting up his days when he wasn't feeling okay and cheering him on at his best. Taka wanted to reciprocate that for him.

That's why Taka woke up early in the morning, his stuffed animal clutched tight in his grasp as he wandered into the kitchen. He always woke up earlier than Mondo, but this time, he would not be going into his room and waking him up.

For one, he would let Mondo sleep in. And secondly, it would give him time to prepare something for breakfast!

Surely it would cheer Mondo up to get a good night's rest and wake up with something nice prepared for him to eat.

Taka hummed thoughtfully to himself. Pancakes and eggs were off the table. He would probably just burn himself if he tried that. Cereal was always an option, but that just felt lazy! He wanted to make something. Something nutritious, at that.

He paused when he spotted the loaf of bread sitting on the counter. He could always make him toast?

Yeah! He'd make him toast, and slice some bananas for him on the side!

So, when Mondo walked into the kitchen that morning to greet Taka, he saw toast placed on a plate. One slice had apple jam— his favorite— and the other was just a plain slice of toast. Cut up bananas were on the side as well, forming a smiley face with all of the pieces. It was adorable.

"Woah, Taka..." He blinked, "What'd you do this for?"

Taka grinned at the happy hint in his voice, placing his hands proudly on his hips and responding.

"Jus' wanted to make you somethin'!" He told him, "Do you like it?"

At Taka's slurred words, Mondo softened, chuckling and reaching out to pat his shoulder affectionately.

"I love it," He said, "Thanks for bein' so thoughtful, kid."

Taka giggled. He had way more up his sleeve!

That's why, when Mondo had finished the meal (he shared it with Taka), the Moral Compass bid Mondo farewell, only for a short while!

He rushed to his room, pulling out a clean sheet of paper and a variety of crayons. He was going to color Mondo a picture! But not just any picture... one of his motorcycle! Taka knew how important it was to him, so hopefully he would like it if it was drawn for him.

Taka quickly got to work, taking a black crayon to draw out the outlines of the motorcycle. He used black and gray to fill it in, soon after drawing some grass beneath it. After pondering for some time, he also decided to draw a city with stars behind the motorcycle! He knew Mondo enjoyed driving at night.

Don't get him wrong— Taka knew his caregiver loved riding the motorcyle at any time of the day. But he'd mentioned before that he enjoyed the lights of the city, the glittering of the stars and the cold wind whipping past him. Wouldn't it be cool if Taka could portray all of that in his drawing?

After finishing up his last few touches to the drawing, he held the paper up with pride. It looked so pretty! He hoped Mondo would like it.

Standing up, he left his room, making his way over to Mondo's. Strangely, he found that the door was shut.

Mondo never usually closed his doors— not even when he was changing, or sleeping, or even having the most personal moment of his life. The door stayed open.

Taka frowned, leaning closer to the door and soon hearing a raised voice from Mondo.

"Look, man, I don't know what you want me to do!" He said, frustrated, "We've already discussed this!"

Was he on the phone? If so... who was he talking to? Taka hadn't ever heard Mondo so irritated— or he just never spoke that way in front of Taka.

"Look... We'll talk to the rest of the gang later. Okay?"

Taka heard a few insincere goodbyes, and then a beep to indicate he had hung up.

Is that what's been making him so upset recently? It'd make sense... his group of bikers were really important to him.

...There was only one way to find out.

Taka knocked on Mondo's door, and soon after did he hear a quiet, 'Come in.'

He clicked open the doorknob, walking into the other's room. Mondo was sitting on his bed when he came in, glancing up from the floor when he noticed Taka.

"Hey, bud," He offered him a small smile, but it was forced, "Whatcha doin'?"

"You okay?" Taka asked, going to sit down beside him, "Didn' mean to eavesdrop, but you sounded mad..."

Mondo sighed, reaching out to wrap an arm around Taka and pull him close into his side.

"I'm fine, just some stuff with the gang," He said, "I'll be alright."

Taka chewed on his lower lip, leaning closer into Mondo's hold on him and holding up the drawing he made.

"Drew you this," He said softly, "'S of your bike. 'N the city in the back."

Mondo blinked as he showed him the drawing, surprise etched out on it expression before it quickly melted into happiness.

"Oh, really?" He chuckled, taking it and scanning over it for a moment, "This is wonderful, Taka. Thank you for making this for me."

Mondo set it down on his bedside table, murmuring about how he'd hang it up later. There was just something about Mondo Owada, the tough Biker Gang Leader, hanging up one of his drawings in his room simply because it was Taka who drew it for him. It made him feel happy.

Mondo soon turned to face him once more.

"So... is there anything in specific you wanna do?"

Taka felt his heart twist with adoration at the words. Even when Mondo wasn't feeling his best, he always took Taka into consideration first.

Good thing Taka was here to make him put himself first— take that!

"Well... know you've kinda been sad recently..." Taka started, "Do you wanna jus' cuddle 'n watch a movie? You can pick."

Mondo had a smile form on his face.

"Ah, kid... you don't have to do that for me," He told him, "It's sweet that you want to help me and all, but I'll be fine."

"But you're not," Taka said, and it almost came out as a complaint, "Wanna make you feel better. I don' like seein' you like this."

Mondo sighed, and Taka awkwardly fidgeted with his hands.

The tension disappeared as soon as Taka felt arms around him, pulling him into a hug as they fell backwards onto the bed.

"What movie are we watchin'?" Mondo grinned, and Taka laughed, cheering shortly afterwords.

He loved him.

He might love seeing him happy even more.

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