💜💫You're allowed to be little🔪❤️

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Pairing: Kaito x Maki
_3mb3r_ requested this! Thanks! :D
um— i hope this was good! first chapter pog? sorry if this wasn't all that well-written ^^"


"Hey, Maki Roll! Could I talk to you?"

Kaito's voice didn't waver as he met Maki's even gaze. Something had been off recently... and Kaito was determined to figure it out.

"Yes. What is it?" Maki asked. Her expression, as well as her voice, revealed nothing as she kept her eyes firmly on Kaito.

Kaito bit his lip, reaching up to awkwardly scratch at his neck before glancing back at her and sighing.

"Maki Roll... has something been bothering you? You haven't regressed recently. Cmon, you even stuffed Fluffy in the closet, he's lonely."

Fluffy was a stuffed animal— stuffed cat, in particular, that Maki almost always had on her. Kaito found him absolutely adorable, and so did Maki, always insisting that she had him whenever she happened to be little.

So, to say the least, it was rather shocking to Kaito whenever Maki had stated that she simply put him away in her closet. Something Maki loved so much, cherished so much, could hardly stand the thought of living without— was now tossed in the back of her closet, a space you would usually put clothes you didn't want anymore?

Maki blinked, before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and taking a deep breath.

"It's nothing. I just haven't been little recently."

Kaito had sympathy in his expression. As much as he knew Maki hated pity, he felt... concerned.

"I would understand that. But you put your stuffie away— you've refused to have anything that makes you regress, like apple juice or milk. Did someone say something to you?"

Maki gave Kaito her usual cold glare, but he saw right through it as her hands, which had previously been playing with her hair, began trembling.

"I just didn't... want to regress. It's— It's nothing. Just leave it alone."

Kaito bit his lip. Pressuring her was the last thing he wanted to do, and he would never make her regress if she didn't want to, but it was clear she wanted to. Something was holding her back.

The way her figure was shaking, her eyes beginning to shine with tears no matter how hard she tried to hide it— it all came down to one conclusion.

Maki was forcefully repressing her regression.

And Kaito wanted to try and fix it.

"Maki Roll..." He opened his arms out for a hug, and it made his heart break as the tears spilt over, cascading down her pale face as she sniffled, slowly walking over and leaning her head into his chest, allowing him to pull her close.

"Hey, hey..." Kaito murmured, "Lighten up, kiddo. You're gonna be okay."

Maki only clung tighter onto him, sniffles filling the air as he gently traced circles into her back.

This went on for some time. Maki leaned close into Kaito, and Kaito murmuring sweet reassurances and comfort to her. When her cries had been reduced to shaky intakes of breath, he removed his hand from her back to tilt her face up, allowing her gaze to meet his own.

"Hey, Maki Roll? Could you tell me how old you are?"

Maki gave a slight pout, however was in no position to complain or whine as she held up her hand, revealing three fingers.

Kaito nodded, ruffling her hair.

"Yeah? Okay. Do you want to go to your room? Pretty sure there's a microwave in there— then I could make you some angel milk and if you wanted, we could play with your stuffies, hmm?"

Kaito hoped he hadn't overwhelmed her with how much he said, however when he got a content nod from her, he offered her a small smile and reached his hand out.

Maki happily took it, squeezing his bigger, stronger hand in hers. It was a familiar feeling— however, certainly not unwelcomed as he led her down the hallway, letting her occasionally swing her hand in his if she wanted.

Maki hardly forgot as to why she wasn't allowing herself to be small— she felt so contented, safe, and protected! That was really all she could ask for at the moment.

Whenever the two of them reached her room, Kaito opened the door, letting her go inside first before following her and lightly shutting the door closed.

"Hey, kid? How about you go get Fluffy, and I'll get your angel milk ready? How does that sound?"

Maki only nodded, opening the doors to her closet and rummaging through it for a moment before she noticed the soft, soothing stuffed animal. She felt bad for him for a moment— he'd been alone in this dark closet for so long! Like— two weeks!

But that didn't matter now. She pulled him out and held him close, a small giggle escaping her lips as she cradled the stuffed animal close to her chest, happiness clear in her usually neutral expression.

Kaito had added all of the ingredients he needed to in the milk, and was now microwaving the milk in the microwave, his gaze settled on Maki fiddling with the stuffed animal as he waited for the beeping to go off.

Maki looked like a lot less weight was on her shoulders— and Kaito was happy. He was glad that she was able to relieve stress in this way— and he was glad that she trusted him enough to see her in such a vulnerable state.

Kaito truly did love Maki.

Whenever he heard the microwave begin to beep, he returned back to it, clicking it open and taking out the cup.

He didn't exactly have a sippy cup for her yet— and as much as he knew that he probably should, he hadn't been able to find one in Hope's Peak Academy. So, he simply put a straw in a cup and hoped for the best.

Besides, surely if he was the one who helped her drink it, it wouldn't be that much of a problem or make that much of a mess, right?

Kaito walked over to Maki, who had begun to sit on her bed now and was holding her stuffie close, and gave a bright grin.

"Hey, Maki Roll! I got your angel milk. Open up," He stated playfully, carefully waving the cup as to not spill it.

Maki snickered, leaning in and opening her mouth, allowing Kaito to guide the straw into her mouth.

The two stayed there until the milk was gone, and the cup was entirely empty.

Kaito glanced up at Maki, who looked a bit tired.

"Get some rest, kiddo. I'll put this up for you."

Once the cup was washed, and Kaito had flicked the lights off, he was about to exit her room when he heard a soft whine of complaint.

"Uh uh."

Kaito looked back, softening his gaze and turning to face Maki.

"Do you want me to stay, Maki Roll?"

"M-Mhm. Don'... Don' go."

Kaito only chuckled, walking back over to her and sliding next to her, wrapping his arms around her as he sighed.

He planted a delicate kiss on her forehead, a smile on his face.

"I love you, kiddo."

"Love you too."

Kaito felt his heart swell at the sincerity in her phrase. The words, "I love you", especially when they came from Maki, always held a special place in his heart. He just found it so, so endearing.

Sure, he still hadn't found out what caused Maki to want to repress the regressed side of her. In fact, he didn't know if he ever would, and if she was never ready to tell him, well, then she wasn't.

But that was a road to cross when it came to it.

For now, he had the most precious little in his arms, and he wouldn't want to drift off to sleep in any other way.

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