📁🔎Cuddles, maybe?🌲🕷

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Pairing: Shuichi and Gonta
hi! this was requested by JadesPlace ! thanks for sending in the request :D i hope you all like it!

Shuichi huffed, fidgeting with the stuffed bunny he had in his arms. He was sitting in the corner of Gonta, his caregiver's room, but he wasn't exactly in the best mood. You could tell just by looking at the expression etched out onto his face.

Admittedly, he was bored, but... Gonta was busy! He was taking care of the bugs he had in his room, and Shuichi didn't want to bother him just so he could have something to do. Surely Gonta would hate to pause taking care of something he was so passionate about just because Shuichi was bored?

So, he didn't say anything. He only stayed in the corner of the room, pouting and holding his stuffed bunny close to him. He could find a way to entertain himself. He could! There was a small corner in Gonta's room that had a few things for Shuichi to play with, just in case he got little while Gonta was busy. He'd just play with those.

Yeah, that's what he'd do!

The feeling of loneliness hardly escaped him, though, as he picked up a small toy car and dragged it across the hard, wooden floor. His heart wasn't in it. He wasn't really having fun.

Zoom, zoom! He tried to pretend, he really did, but it just wasn't as fun when there wasn't someone else playing cars with you, too.

Shuichi sighed, lightly pushing the toy car away from him and taking his bunny back, holding it close to him and putting his knees up to his chest. This wasn't fair— why couldn't Gonta just play with him?

Right. Because he was busy. But Shuichi would hate to interrupt him. Gonta was taking care of bugs. Shuichi was pouting in the corner. He held no importance, besides, he could wait to play, he swore he could!

He didn't know how long he sat there, staring at Gonta and waiting for him to turn around and say he was done. He was getting bored, lonely, and frustrated! But he wasn't going to ask to play! Why would he ever do that? Gonta would find him oh so annoying, and Shuichi despised the thought of that.

Shuichi tried to occupy himself. He fiddled with his stuffed animal. He attempted to play with the cars again. He tried stacking the small blocks in the corner, and even tried falling asleep! Sleeping would be better than being conciously aware that he was alone.

But he couldn't sleep. He didn't want to sleep until Gonta was here.

Shuichi began to bury his face into his stuffed bunny, muttering incoherently to it while he waited for anything, anything to prove he wasn't really alone.

He didn't wanna play anymore.

He wanted to be held close and told he was loved!

None of this was fair, it wasn't fair at all, and he wanted to throw a tantrum in the corner of this very room, but he couldn't even do that! That would defeat the very purpose of trying not to bother Gonta while he was taking care of the bugs!

He was so upset— so torn up about this, it made him mad!

Right as Shuichi was convinced he was going to stay in this corner complaining forever, right as he was sure the only companion he would have for a long time would be his stuffed animal, he heard a gentle, yet excited voice speak.

"Okay, Shuichi! Gonta's finished with the bugs," Gonta turned around with a smile on his face, only to blink and tilt his head upon the sight that he was met with, "Shuichi...?"

Shuichi pushed a lock of stray, dark blue hair out of his face, pouting and whimpering as he shook his head. He was mad— but it wasn't even inherently Gonta's fault!

"Go 'way!" He crossed his arms, and for a second, he was scared Gonta would listen, Gonta would leave him for ever and ever because Shuichi said something he didn't mean at all!

Gonta furrowed his eyebrows, walking over to Shuichi and kneeling down to him, a soft look in his eyes as he tried to sympathize with the little.

"Can Shuichi tell Gonta why he's upset?" Gonta questioned, and his voice was so warm, so careful with Shuichi, and so, with that, Shuichi's breath hitched and he felt tears pool in his eyes.

"You were takin' c-care of the buggies, 'n didn't wanna bother you, but was lonely!" He complained, his voice coming out whiny and small as he held his arms out for Gonta.

Gonta blinked, before reaching out and pulling the little closer to him, allowing Shuichi to clutch onto him.

"Gonta's so sorry, Shuichi! He truly didn't mean to hurt your feelings..." Gonta told him, and it was now that the guilt washed over him. He should have noticed something was up, he should've taken note of the fact Shuichi was so obviously upset.

Now, he could only try to make it right.

" 'S... not your fault," Shuichi mumbled, slowly looking up to meet Gonta's gaze yet staying close in his grasp nonetheless.

Gonta only reached out to cup his cheek, hoping to calm him down before the tears were able to spill over.

"Can Shuichi tell Gonta what he needs? Gonta would be happy to help."

Shuichi thought for a moment, a sudden feeling of security settling down in him as he giggled, pressing himself closer to Gonta if that was even possible.

"Cuddles? You gon' cuddle me?" He asked with a grin, awaiting the answer that he was quite sure would be a yes.

Gonta reached out to tap him on the nose, a happy smile forming on his face as he nodded to him.

"Of course, Shuichi! Does Shuichi have his bunny?"

Shuichi nodded, holding up the stuffed animal that had comforted him for the entirety of the time. Tattered? It most certainly was, but it had more meaning and feelings than he could ever put into words.

"Okay! Then let's go over to the bed so we can cuddle, if that's okay with Shuichi?"

Shuichi nodded, feeling the warmth of Gonta and the fluffiness of his bunny calm him down, and make him feel more at ease. He stood up, holding onto Gonta's hand as they both walked over to the bed. Gonta's hand was much bigger and rougher than his own small and smooth one, but the familiarity was enough to comfort him, and make him happy.

Once they had both gotten onto the bed and adjusted to a comfortable position to cuddle in, Shuichi buried himself into Gonta's side. He felt... content, safe. He wasn't as alone anymore.

Gonta reached out to lace his fingers through Shuichi's hair, trying to show him he was loved, truly and utterly cared for. Upon the happy sigh that he was met with, he continued to play with Shuichi's hair, fiddling with the strands and noticing how it relaxed Shuichi's nerves.

" 'M sleepy," Shuichi yawned, his eyes beginning to flutter shut, "Nini."

Gonta felt his heart twist with adoration as he looked at the one he loved, pulled close beside him and peacefulness resting on his face.

"Goodnight, Shuichi. Gonta loves you."

"Love you too," He giggled, but it was a tired one.

Gonta smiled. He certainly did feel bad for leaving Shuichi alone in that corner for so long, especially when he was in a regressed state of mind.

But all he could do was try to make it better.

Taking care of a little was never going to be an easy task to take on, but it was worthwhile to see every flicker of happiness, every snicker, every hug that caused joy to radiate throughout the room.

Making mistakes was alright, really.

You just have to be willing to learn from them.

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